John Greenewald

Nuclear Weapons in the Multipolar World, October 1998

In this paper, Dr. Sergey Rogov, Director of the Institute for USA and Canada Studies of the Russian Academy of…

September 15, 2023

NASA Releases their Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Report

** This is a flash release. A flash release is a document release wherein there is no written article attached, but…

September 14, 2023

Archive of Luis Elizondo’s “Deleted” Emails

Luis Elizondo has become a central figure in the modern discourse surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) due to his alleged…

September 11, 2023

DoD Releases Contracts with SANCORP Outlining Work For UFO Office AARO

The Department of Defense (DoD) contracted Sancorp to provide support services to the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). The key…

September 11, 2023

Agency Inspector General Reports and Investigations

Background Agencies periodically conduct their own special investigations and produce reports about certain allegations against their respective departments. For example,…

September 11, 2023