John Greenewald

UAP Task Force Budget Details Denied The Black Vault's FOIA request for budgetary materials and financial records of the UAP Task Force was denied, citing…

March 28, 2023

Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare by Tayacán, Report dated October 18, 1984

This document, released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), serves as a guide for psychological operations (PSYOP) in guerrilla warfare.…

March 25, 2023

“Confirmation of Interstellar Object” Memorandum and Related Documents

On March 1, 2022, Lt. General John E. Shaw, Deputy Commander of U.S. Space Command, wrote a memorandum for Dr.…

March 23, 2023

UFOs – An International Scientific Problem by Dr. James McDonald – Presented March 12, 1968

In this paper, Dr. James E. McDonald, a prominent atmospheric physicist, presents a detailed analysis of the UFO phenomenon and…

March 22, 2023

Richard Spencer and the Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher Controversy

The controversy over Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher and then-Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer dates back to a series of…

March 22, 2023