Author: John Greenewald

These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the generous assistance of Dr. Susan Maret. This is not a complete collection set of his papers, but rather, a selection of items sent to The Black Vault for digital preservation. The National Guard Bureau (NGB) plays a critical role in the defense and security of the United States. As a joint activity of the Department of Defense, the NGB serves as the channel of communication between the Departments of the Army and Air Force and the states. A recent transition book…

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These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the generous assistance of Dr. Susan Maret. This is not a complete collection set of his papers, but rather, a selection of items sent to The Black Vault for digital preservation. The released documents relate to an external peer review of the DIA’s Office of Inspector General, Audit Staff. The review was conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Guide for Conducting Peer Reviews of the Audit Organizations of Federal…

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This FOIA release obtained by The Black Vault contains a partially redacted email involving National Security Agency (NSA) Director General Paul M. Nakasone, dated October 17, 2019. The email, marked “UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY,” is addressed to General Nakasone, Mr. Barnes, the Executive Director, Members of the Board of Directors (BoD), and senior leaders. The subject of the email is “(U) Preservation Notice regarding HPSCI Subpoena,” referring to a subpoena issued by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). The email notifies the recipients that they may possess records relevant to ongoing Congressional requests for materials formalized in a…

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Background The Freedom of Information Act allows any requester to get as FOIA case logs. Below, you will find a list of all FOIA requests and Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests made by the public to various agencies. These are very useful to see who is requesting what and can be very useful for ideas! FOIA Case Log Memorandums DoD Memorandum on FOIA Case Logs (10 July 2008) Declassified Case Logs U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) FOIA Case Logs 2010-2011 [2 Pages, 1.5MB] 2016 [2 Pages, 1.5MB] Air Combat Command (ACC) 2012 [100 Pages] Army FOIA Case Logs  2018 [47 Pages, 2MB]  2016 [7…

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After a seven-year effort to obtain information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) through a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR), The Black Vault has finally succeeded in acquiring a previously unreleased document, albeit heavily redacted. Before this release, only brief citations were found in other files, also released to The Black Vault by the FBI. This request (case number 1363960-000), filed on December 16, 2016, asked for a review of the FBI’s Cyber National Threat Assessment for the year 2008, as found in the reference citation above. The document, dated June 22, 2009, is an intelligence assessment by the FBI.…

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