Author: John Greenewald

On July 19, 2021, the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General announced that they will be evaluating the “Notification Procedures for the Presidential Emergency Satchel” or better known as the “nuclear football.” Their press release announcing the evaluation was sent out July 19, which read as the following: “We plan to begin the subject evaluation in July 2021. The objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent that DoD processes and procedures are in place and adequate to alert DoD officials in the event that the Presidential Emergency Satchel is lost, stolen, or compromised. This evaluation…

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Six weeks ago, The Black Vault broke a story about a potentially unauthorized destruction of data by the Department of Defense (DoD). Throughout numerous Freedom of Information Act cases, it was ultimately determined that more than nine years worth of e-mails, chat transcripts, attachments, appointments, and task listings were destroyed, as created by a former DoD employee over the course of his career. That employee is Luis Elizondo, a former counter-intelligence agent who has received an enormous amount of media coverage for his story about working on a UFO study for the Pentagon. Shortly after The Black Vault published that…

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On June 25, 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released the highly anticipated report on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), now officially referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). The public version of the ‘preliminary assessment’ stretched only nine total pages, but it was confirmed to The Black Vault that there was a classified annex/report also delivered to Congress the same day. However, details about that, including the page-count, were not immediately released. Within forty-eight hours after the report was released to the public, ODNI declined to further comment to The Black Vault on the classified version,…

Read More The mandate of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) is to make recommendations to the President and Congress to “advance the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and associated technologies to comprehensively address the national security and defense needs of the United States.” This Final Report presents the NSCAI’s strategy for winning the artificial intelligence era. The 16 chapters in the Main Report provide topline conclusions and recommendations. The accompanying Blueprints for Action outline more detailed steps that the U.S. Government should take to implement the recommendations. Document Archive Final Report of the National Security Commission on…

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The Laser Induced Plasma Effect program is part of the Joint Non-lethal Weapons Directorate program. The objective was the “non-lethal weaponization of ultra-short pulse (pico-femtosecond) laser systems to produce extended high repetition rate laser induced plasma detonations (LIPD) in air or on material targets in close proximity to targeted humans and on targeted material with no civilian casualties and (scalable) non-lethal counter-personnel and counter-materiel effect with little to no collateral damage.” Below are the results of a November 2020 request for, “ALL reports, status reports, updates on the Laser Induced Plasma Effect program which is part of the Joint Non-lethal…

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