Author: John Greenewald This case is from Project Moon Dust, and was received by The Black Vault from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It is listed in the UFO category here in the archive, because as of writing this, it is unclear what the object was or even could be. Admittedly, it likely has a very terrestrial explanation, but the problem is that there is nothing to be found that fits the timeframe, weight, and physical description. The document is a one-page memorandum from the Department of State, describing a three ton, cube-shaped “satellite” object that was discovered in Sudan. It had…

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On Friday, June 25, 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) delivered the much anticipated report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs. As stipulated by the original language in the Intelligence Authorization Act Supplemental Report for FY 2021, there was authorization to supply a “classified annex” to the unclassified report which was requested. It was confirmed on Sunday, June 27 to The Black Vault by ODNI, that there was definitely a “classified report” issued as well; but details were scant. “The classified report includes some additional information that could not be declassified consistent with the protection of…

Read More After the UAP Report was released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Deputy Secretary of Defense issued the following memorandum. (Pentagon Press Secretary statement follows the memo.) Statement by Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Assessment: Today the Director of National Intelligence delivered to Congress a preliminary assessment on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the progress that the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense UAP Task Force has made in understanding this threat. Analyzing UAP is a collaborative effort involving many departments and agencies, and the Department thanks the Office of…

Read More For the past approximately 180 days, the general public has been anxiously awaiting the below report. The Black Vault spoke with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence back in May, wherein a DNI spokesperson offered the following: “The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report attached to the fiscal 2021 Intelligence Authorization Act, which was part of the omnibus spending bill signed on Dec. 27, 2020, tasked the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, with submitting an unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) report to Congress within 180 days of enactment.” The time has come,…

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