Author: John Greenewald

Background This Final Report summarizes the biological effects research conducted by Veridian Engineering personnel under contract F41624-96-C-9009 in support of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Radio Frequency Radiation Branch from April 1997 to April 2002. Biological effects research and consultation were provided in five major areas Active Denial System also known as Vehicle Mounted Active Denial System, radio frequency radiation RFR health and safety, non-lethal weapon biological effects research, the newly formed Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Human Effects Center of Excellence, and Biotechnology. The report is organized by research efforts within the major research areas, providing title, objective, a brief description,…

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Background The enclosed report is a compilation of data available in the field within approximately 10 days of the Starfish Prime event, together with an introduction to the objectives of Starfish Prime and some tentative conclusions about the data obtained. As such, the reader is cautioned that all data are tentative and in most cases obtained by “quick look” techniques: in particular all numbers quoted are subject to later correction. Document Archive A ‘Quick Look’ at the Technical Results of Starfish Prime, August 1962 [112 Pages, 3MB]

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The following is a collection archived here at The Black Vault, in collaboration with another researcher who for now, will remain anonymous. The Black Vault has digitally preserved online his MANY years worth of work collecting this historical collection. It is now available in its entirety below. Here is a breakdown of what you will find in this collection, as written by the researcher: 1) My AFHRA microfilm roll collection. Please note some of my files are broken up into several “parts”. This because I received a paper copy and scanned it, but my scanner only can scan a limited…

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The following batch of photographs was obtained from the CIA via the Freedom of Information Act. Although no context appears attached with most of the photos, this was a collection of UFO photos that they had saved within their archive. Why they were saved, is a question, as some are obviously explained. However, they were there none-the-less in the CIA’s archive, so here they are. The multiple batches have been combined below for easier downloading. See Also: UFOs: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Collection. Photo Archive  The CIA’s UFO Photograph Collection [149 Pages, 61MB]

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