Author: John Greenewald

Background Richard Doty, who has been a name long-standing in the UFO field as a “disinformation agent,” previously worked with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), and has been said to have approached UFO witnesses through the 1970s and 1980s, and misinform them about the truth behind UFOs. Most famous, would be his involvement in the Paul Bennewitz affair, in which it landed Bennewitz in a psychiatric facility. The below records consist of the entire RELEASABLE personnel files for Richard Doty, while he was working as a New Mexico State Police Officer. All information contain herein, is public…

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Background The FBI’s mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution of the United States requires an advanced, contemporary, mobile environment to support its workforce. Technology enablement will not only improve the agility and efficiency of FBI personnel in achieving this mission, but it will also enhance the experience of FBI personnel by reducing administrative barriers; facilitating collaboration; and increasing employee recruitment, retention, and satisfaction. A well-developed mobile environment will also benefit the FBI by reducing facility costs, expanding global access to FBI networks, improving Intelligence Community (IC) and law enforcement partnerships, and generally streamlining resource management. It…

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Background According to the Objectives: “We reviewed DOD OIG reports issued from September 30, 2010, to June 18, 2015, in order to summarize the key observations and recommendations.” “We summarized 10 reports issued by the 000 Office of Inspector General from September 30,2010, to June 18, 2015, that contained findings on aspects of the nuclear enterprise. Weaknesses identified in the nuclear enterprise include: planning and coordination, guidance, requirements, manning and training, budget or funding priority, and logistics and parts issues. Chart 1 depicts the number of reports having findings in the specified category. Note that the reports had more than…

Read More A NEW video has been published by Jeremy Corbell. Credit to him, who posted it on Instragram and allowed me to share it here, with some thoughts. Here is some background and some additional questions I hope we can get answers to. Obviously, this is not connected to a Freedom of Information Act release, but I am highlighting it here for interested parties.

Read More On May 3, 2021, a memorandum was published by the Department of Defense, Office of the Inspector General. It announced the subject evaluation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and the actions taken by the DOD. Pressing for additional details on the DOD/OIG UAP “Evaluation”, which I asked about WHY and WHO requested it, came up empty. According to their statement, “The DoD OIG does not have any additional information to offer beyond what is published in our project announcement.” However, despite the DOD/OIG denying to release additional information, some rumors went around that stemmed from anonymous sources that the…

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