Author: John Greenewald

Background The following are FBI files of prominent FBI figures and agents. Many of the files are broken into different parts, for easier downloading. Many also have “bookmarks” in the .pdf showing the different sections available on each file. FBI Files  Chaffetz, Maxwell – [209 Pages, 12.5MB] – Maxwell (Max) Chaffetz (1909-1986) was an FBI Special Agent, and as a rookie, he was involved in the apprehension of gangster Baby Face Nelson and the gunning down of gangster John Dillinger. Maxwell Chaffetz is the paternal grandfather of Congressman Jason Chaffetz.  Gunderson, Theodore – FBI Release #1 – [2,320 Pages, 117.6MB]  Gunderson,…

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Background An FBI High Visibility Memorandum is an internal document used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to communicate information about cases or matters that are considered to be of high public, media, or governmental interest. These memoranda are used to inform senior FBI officials and other relevant parties about the status, developments, or significant aspects of such cases. The purpose of a High Visibility Memorandum is to ensure that key decision-makers are kept informed and that any necessary coordination or public relations efforts can be undertaken effectively. The content of a High Visibility Memorandum typically includes: Case Identification:…

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In a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release, the Department of Defense provided documents in response to a request by Douglas Dean Johnson. The request, filed under case number 23-F-1429, sought information about the Joint Staff’s guidance on “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Reporting and Material Disposition.” The FOIA response, dated March 15, 2024, revealed that the Joint Staff conducted a search and located nine pages determined to be responsive to Johnson’s request. These documents pertain to  guidance issued on May 19, 2023, which outlines procedures for reporting and handling material related to UAPs. On X, Johnson wrote a few…

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Background Many U.S. government agencies and military branches have public YouTube pages. That is no secret. However, within these channels, lies a hidden treasure trove of PRIVATE/UNLISTED videos NOT accessible by the general public. Through the Freedom of Information Act, The Black Vault along with another researcher has tackled trying to get access to these videos listings. That researcher has donated the requests they did, along with the documents, to the archive below. However, they asked for their identifying information to be redacted. The below lists can then be used to request the videos themselves. There are numerous more open…

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Background In 2016, the MEGABYTE Act of 2016 was passed. This law requires agencies to get a better handle on their software licenses, simply due to the extreme financial waste when it comes to software purchases. This law requires that: … each CIO establish a comprehensive inventory of software licenses, track and maintain such licenses, analyze software usage to make cost-effective decisions, provide software license management training, establish goals and objectives of the agency’s software license management program, and consider the software license management life cycle phases to implement effective decision-making and incorporate existing standards, processes, and metrics. Under the…

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