Author: John Greenewald

Background This document is a study on the effects of the allied bombardment campaign on the German air force. It starts by giving the original composition of the German air force (mostly bombers and dive bombers). The battle of Britain and the Russian front taught them that bombers without fighter protection are very vulnerable. Item discusses fighter production, aircraft production in general, and the effects of USAAF (united states army air forces) attacks on: German tank production; the bearing industry; oil and the synthetic oil and gasoline plants (big USASF problem, as there were some 81 plants dispersed); and armament…

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This film was obtained by The Black Vault, while producing a television series which dealt with Redstone Arsenal. The entire film footage reel, as received, is archived here. – History of Redstone Arsenal – “Redstone Arsenal Through the Years.” Produced by Michael E. Baker, Command Historian for the US Army Aviation and Missile Command.

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Background The United States Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is a separate agency within the executive branch of the U.S. Federal Government which is responsible for directing executive branch policies relating to the prevention of conflicts of interest on the part of Federal executive branch officers and employees. Primary duties include establishing the executive branch standards of conduct; issuing rules and regulations interpreting the criminal conflict of interest restrictions; establishing the framework for the public and confidential financial disclosure systems for executive branch employees; developing training and education programs for use by executive branch ethics officials and employees; and setting…

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