Author: John Greenewald

Background So frustrating to have to do a video like this, but as traction grows today on various social media platforms about a story that just surfaced rooted with a FOIA request response – I felt a video was in order. Wild sensationalized headlines and misinterpreted FOIA results has all landed a new UFO story that is, well, just not accurate. Although at the recording of this, mainstream media coverage has not commenced, the blog in question has found itself posted throughout multiple social networks such as Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter; all resulting in many questions. This is addressing the…

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Background According to one of the documents below, the following best describes Project Argus: The Navy has long been aware that prolonged isolation and confinement of men in relatively small vehicles or habitats can have undesirable effects – not only on their social-emotional well-being, but also on their performance effectiveness. Thus, to study the problem , the Navy established Project ARGUS (Advanced Research on Groups Under Stress) at the Naval Medical Research Institute in 1962. Initial funding was provided by the Office of Special Projects. The immediate objectives of Project ARGUS were to build a body of scientific knowledge regarding…

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Background In late summer of 1958, the United States Navy Task Force 88 (TF 88) conducted one of the U.S.’s most expeditiously planned and executed nuclear tests operations, codenamed ARGUS, when it conducted three high-altitude nuclear tests in the south Atlantic Ocean. Operation Argus was unique among U.S. atmospheric nuclear test operations in that its main objective was neither for diagnostic tests of a weapons design nor for effects tests for military systems. Instead Operation Argus was conducted to establish a proof of theory that a very high-altitude nuclear detonation could produce phenomena of potentially significant military importance by interfering…

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Background According to the document: “The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is a joint organization engaged in the research and development ( R&D), acquisition, launch, and operation of overhead reconnaissance systems necessary to meet the needs of the Intelligence Community (IC) and the Department of Defense (DoD). The NRO conducts other activities as directed by the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) and/ or the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).” The NRO Reference Guide was mentioned in the Intellipedia entry for the NRO. In September of 2017, I requested the 2012 version. It was completely denied in December of the same year. The…

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Background On February 2, 2021, Brad Lea asked Rep. Dan Crenshaw about UFOs. This was his answer… Video Archive NOTE: This clip is used with permission direct from Brad Lea. It is copyrighted to Brad Lea, LLC and can not be reproduced without prior permission. To view his FULL interview, check out Brad’s channel at:

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