Author: John Greenewald

Background These SF-135 are document transmittal slips, created when information is transferred from one agency to a federal records center. Rebecca Collier from HistoryHub, explains: “A SF-135 is a ‘Records Transmittal and Receipt’ used by a Federal Agency when the records are deposited in a Federal Records Center. In Item #6 of the form, agencies must include a detailed folder listing for each box or as an attachment if the records are scheduled for permanent retention. More information about the SF 135 is available at A listing of documents in a folder is considered item level description. Agencies are…

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Background The following document was obtained by The Black Vault through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and was part of the “Stargate Collection” release. This document, titled “Mars Exploration,” dated May 22, 1984, details a unique and unconventional exploration of Mars. It involves a remote viewer provided with coordinates to focus on Mars during a period approximately one million years B.C. The viewer describes observing geographical features like pyramids and severe dust storms, suggesting major geological disturbances. The document also mentions tall, thin figures, perceived as ancient Martians, facing environmental collapse and searching for new habitats. Additionally, the viewer…

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Background The following document was first released in 2005. In February of 2019, The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request for the record to be further declassified. Although some information was, there was not a lot newly revealed. The 2019 released version is shown below. Document Archive Trip to NSA at Ft. Meade, 29 November 1958 [4 Pages, 1.5MB]

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Background In the event of the death, resignation, or inability of the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to perform the functions and duties of the office, the DIA officials, in the order listed below, shall act for and exercise the powers of the Director. Document Archive Order of Succession for the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), June 30, 2017 [3 Pages, 4MB]

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Background The following documents were taken from a longer oral history transcript from General John William Vogt Jr. conduct in 1978. At the time it was received by The Black Vault, it had never been released to the public before. Inside, General Vogt recalled his time in intelligence, and how he was assigned to investigate UFOs. He called himself the “first UFO officer in the Air Force.” During the course of his interview, he recalled a UFO sighting while flying a C-45 Beechcraft. It was a purple light which flew with his aircraft, and was visible for about an hour.…

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