Author: John Greenewald

Background This file is from the Project Blue Book collection within the National Archives. It is a case where the witness describes an object falling like a green flame from the sky. It was shaped roughly like a cone, about 1ft high. Upon landing, it started a fire in the backyard shed of the property, and the local police were called out. After analysis by the U.S. Air Force – they determined it was furnace slag. The case files, along with photographs, are all below. Document Archive Project Blue Book: Hartford, Connecticut — September 4, 1960 – CASE FILES [73…

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Background Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) is a next-generation computer capability that holds the potential for changing everything from how people live and work to how wars are fought and won. The Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center (DEVCOM CBC) is keeping pace with this computing revolution through its Grand Challenge Program, beginning with three pilot projects and a workshop to recruit more. Video Archive

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Background INSCOM executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces; conducts, synchronizes, and integrates worldwide multi-discipline and all-source intelligence and security operations; and delivers linguist support and intelligence related advanced skills training, acquisition support, logistics, communications and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint, and Coalition commands and the U.S. Intelligence Community. Below, you will find their annual command history for FY 2006, which was declassified to The Black Vault via a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request. Document Archive INSCOM Annual History for FY 2006 [167 Pages, 43MB]

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Background From the abstract of the report: “Laser propulsion is the production of high specific impulse rocket thrust using a high-energy laser as a remote power source. Specific impulses in excess of 1000 sec are achievable because propellant temperatures are very high and low molecular weight gases can be used. This report highlights the research status of the fourth year of AFOSR sponsored work for converting the laser energy, and reports the results of ongoing experiments using laser sustained plasmas as the conversion mechanism. Major new findings from our spectroscopic techniques to diagnose the laser-sustained plasmas are also reported. The…

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