Author: John Greenewald

Background Studies in Intelligence is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal on intelligence that is published by the Center for the Study of Intelligence, a group within the United States Central Intelligence Agency. It contains both classified and unclassified articles on the methodology and history of the field of intelligence gathering. Document Archive Studies in Intelligence, Summer 1984, Volume 28 [82 Pages, 30MB]

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Background The following was released by NASA on December 15, 2020: NASA has released the first iteration of its Spacecraft Conjunction Assessment and Collision Avoidance Best Practices Handbook to share information on best practices for coordinating in-orbit activity in a safe and responsible manner. The agency aims for these best practices to bolster stability, reduce current and future operational risks, and contribute to a sustainable space environment for future public and private sector activities. Emerging commercial ventures, such as satellite servicing, in-space manufacturing, and tourism, as well as new technologies enabling small satellites and large constellations of satellites, present serious…

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Background The Stargate Project was the umbrella code name of one of several sub-projects established by the U.S. Federal Government to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential military and domestic applications, particularly “remote viewing”: the purported ability to psychically “see” events, sites, or information from a great distance. These projects were active from the 1970s through 1995 and were primarily handled by the DIA and CIA. They followed up early psychic research done at The Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), The American Society for Psychical Research, and other psychical research labs. After many years of…

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Background According to the report: “Iraq has the most aggressive and advanced ballistic missile development program in the Arab world . It already possesses two missiles — Iraqi modified Soviet Scud B’s called the Al Husayn and the Al Abbas – capable of reaching Tel Aviv or Tehran, targets some 600 km away. Seeking an in digenous missile production capability, Iraq also has development well under way of five other missiles capable of greater ranges and payloads. Foreign assistance is critical to Iraq’s effort. With it , production of one or more of Iraq’s new missiles could possibly begin during…

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Background According to Wikipedia, here is some background on Academi, formerly Blackwater: “Academi is an American private military company founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince as Blackwater, renamed as Xe Services in 2009 and known as Academi since 2011 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors. The company received widespread notoriety in 2007, when a group of its employees killed 14 Iraqi civilians and injured 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad, for which four guards were convicted in a U.S. court. Academi provides security services to the United States federal government on a…

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