Author: John Greenewald

Background The Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park, which is sometimes called the G.W. Zoo and formerly the Garold Wayne Exotic Animal Memorial Park, is an animal park displaying predominantly tigers and other big cats in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. The 2020 Netflix original documentary series Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness was centered on Joe Exotic. The park received thousands of visitors following the release of the documentary. However, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt required that all non-essential businesses close because of the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 31, 2020, the Garvin County, Oklahoma sheriff said the park had closed to visitors in compliance…

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Background LaVena Lynn Johnson (July 27, 1985 – July 19, 2005) was an E3 in the United States Army. She was found dead in her tent. Her death was controversially ruled as a suicide but the evidence of rape and battery led many to believe the United States Department of Defense covered it up. Below, you will find the documents that have released thus far. Document Archive  Report of Casualty, 15 March 2006 [3 Pages, 1.7MB]  U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command Report, Released January 25, 2019 [318 Pages, 103.9MB]  U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Documents, Released November 2, 2020 [16 Pages,…

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Background The purposes of this guidance document is to, “Provide commanders and public affairs offices with guidance to ensure operational security is practiced in the various public engagements in which the Air Force participates, whether through public affairs or not. The following guidance will apply to all organizations until operational security training and certification has been completed.” Document Archive Public Affairs Guidance OPSEC and Public Engagement, 2018 (March and July 2018 documents) [11 Pages, 1MB]

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Background The United States faces an array of threats to our national security that is nearly unprecedented in its breadth and pace of change. Great power competition from Russia and China, which are both rapidly advancing next-generation warfighting capabilities to leapfrog our legacy systems, presents a dual threat unseen since the military surge of Axis Powers in the 1930s. At the same time, the threat of transnational terrorism that has been the focus of the Department of Defense for the last two decades persists, exacerbated by levels of migration unseen since World War II, the organizing power of social media,…

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