Author: John Greenewald

Background General Leslie Groves, head of the Manhattan Engineer District, in late 1944 commissioned a multi-volume history of the Manhattan Project called the Manhattan District History. Prepared by multiple authors under the general editorship of Gavin Hadden, a longtime civil employee of the Army Corps of Engineers, the classified history was “intended to describe, in simple terms, easily understood by the average reader, just what the Manhattan District did, and how, when, and where.” The volumes record the Manhattan Project’s activities and achievements in research, design, construction, operation, and administration, assembling a vast amount of information in a systematic, readily…

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By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published August 24, 2020 In April of 2020, the Department of Defense (DOD) shocked the world by releasing three videos they considered Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs. Although the three videos had already leaked and had been in the public domain for years, the official release of them represented a continued aura of transparency surrounding the UFO issue by the Navy, when all other military branches have been primarily silent on the issue. However, it appears that transparency may have morphed back into a shroud of secrecy. A string of…

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Background In 2017, Senator Jeff Flake published a document that outlined 50 examples of what he felt was “wasteful spending.” The document was called, “Wastebook: PORKémon Go”, a play off the popular game called Pokemon. The idea was the showcase programs that were wasteful spends, such as: The “Spaceport to Nowhere” ($80.4 million) The “Hologram Comedy Club” ($1.7 million) The “Fish on a Treadmill” ($1.5 million) The Computers That Binge-Watch “Desperate Housewives” ($460,000) The “Angry Birds” in Ohio ($118,000) He stood before Congress on January 10, 2017, and outlined more, including a $1,000,000 NASA grant to prepare world religions for…

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Background From 2017 to 2019, the Committee held hearings, conducted interviews, and reviewed intelligence related to Russian attempts in 2016 to access election infrastructure. The Committee sought to determine the extent of Russian activities, identify the response of the U.S. Government at the state, local, and federal level to the threat, and make recommendations on how to better prepare for such threats in the future. The Committee received testimony from state election officials, Obama administration officials, and those in the Intelligence Community and elsewhere in the U.S. Government responsible for evaluating threats to elections. Document Archive Report on Russian Active…

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by John Greenewald, Jr. — The Black Vault — Originally Published August 18, 2020 The world is abuzz that the United States Senate, namely the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence chaired by Senator Marco Rubio, is interested in a public UFO report created by the Intelligence Community (IC). In addition, the Department of Defense (DOD) recently announced a UAP Task Force, or UAPTF, which aims to investigate unidentified objects as they encroach on military installations. The effort is an exciting push towards transparency related to an issue that has intrigued the masses for decades, and one that is often encapsulated…

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