Author: John Greenewald

The following is a press release, along with declassified documents, as published by the Senate Judiciary Committee on July 17, 2020. It is archived here, along with the declassified records, for reference. — WASHINGTON – Today, as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s ongoing investigation into the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and related FISA abuses, Chairman Lindsey Graham (R- South Carolina) released two recently declassified documents that significantly undercut the reliability of the Steele dossier and the accuracy and reliability of many of the factual assertions in the Carter Page FISA applications. “I’m very pleased the investigation in the Senate Judiciary Committee has…

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Article By Miles Hatfield NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The first images from ESA/NASA’s Solar Orbiter are now available to the public, including the closest pictures ever taken of the Sun. Solar Orbiter is an international collaboration between the European Space Agency, or ESA, and NASA, to study our closest star, the Sun. Launched on Feb. 9, 2020 (EST), the spacecraft completed its first close pass of the Sun in mid-June. “These unprecedented pictures of the Sun are the closest we have ever obtained,” said Holly Gilbert, NASA project scientist for the mission at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center…

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Background The following agencies have received approval from the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) to exempt specific information from automatic declassification and may receive referrals resulting from automatic declassification reviews. Each agency is only authorized to use the exemptions listed in the respective tables below. In accordance with section 3.3(d)(3) of Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information” (the “Order”), these agencies should not be sent referrals for information that they are not authorized to exempt. Document Archive ISOO Notice 2019-01: Agencies Eligible to Receive Referrals from Automatic Declassification at 25, 50, and 75 Years [9 Pages, 1.88MB] Additional…

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