Author: John Greenewald This video was created by U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Davis Harris. The Medal of Honor was first established by Congress and signed into existence by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War in July, 1862. Since then, more than 3,400 have been awarded to U.S. service members who distinguished themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.

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NASA has awarded the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, a contract to support all phases of current and future planetary protection missions to ensure compliance with planetary protection standards. The SETI Institute will work with NASA’s Office of Planetary Protection (OPP) to provide technical reviews and recommendations, validate biological cleanliness on flight projects, provide training for NASA and its partners, as well as develop guidelines for implementation of NASA requirements, and disseminate information to stakeholders and the public. The role of OPP is to promote responsible exploration of the solar system by protecting both Earth and mission destinations from…

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Background The following is the September 7, 1979, NASA Roundup newsletter from the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. On the last page, you will find an article by UFO researcher John Schuessler, and a presentation/fundraiser he was holding put on by the employees at McDonnel Douglas Technical Services Company. The event was called, “The Houston UFO Connection.” Document Archive UFO Article Full Newsletter

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Background The following interview of Dr. Edgar Mitchell was conducted in Houston, Texas, on September 3, 1997, by Sheree Scarborough and assisted by Paul Rollins. Document Archive Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Oral History Interview, Conducted September 3, 1997 [45 Pages, 0.5MB] Text Version NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project Edited Oral History Transcript Edgar D. Mitchell Interviewed by Sheree Scarborough Houston, Texas – 3 September 1997 Scarborough: The following interview of Dr. Edgar Mitchell was conducted in Houston, Texas, on September 3, 1997, by Sheree Scarborough and assisted by Paul Rollins. Mitchell: …archives, for archives? Scarborough: It is. It’s for just historical purposes, basically. I…

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