Author: John Greenewald

by John Greenewald, Jr. — The Black Vault — Originally Published June 26, 2020 The Condon Commitee For twenty-two years, from 1947 – 1969, the United States Air Force ran a trifecta of UFO research programs known as Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book. The public is most familiar with the latter of the three, undoubtedly due to the success of a History Channel series by the same name. However, lesser known to non-UFO-aficionados, is why those studies ended. That was due to a near fifteen-hundred page report generated by what was known as the Condon Committee, which convened from…

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Background Superviolence is defined as the illegitimate use of nuclear, chemical, or biological mass destruction devices by domestic agents for attack or threat against U.S. civil society. Political extremism, sever mental imbalance, and criminal gain are examined as possible motivations. Since the nuclear industry constitutes the primary source of fissionable material for fabricating an illicit weapon, its policies, practices, and diversion safequards program are investigated. The threat process is analyzed in five phases: idea conception, group formation, weapon fabrication, application (attack or threat), and consequences. The steps of each phase are described for various weapons, with emphasis on the human…

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By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published June 25, 2020 News this week excited UFO enthusiasts, as the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Senator Marco Rubio, issued their report on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2021. Within it was a small, but detailed section on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAPs. Although better known to the general public as simply UFOs, the report detailed how data held by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI); information gathered by geospatial, human and signals intelligence; and case files from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) would all…

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Background The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) is an independent entity established within the executive branch to address integrity, economy and effectiveness issues that transcend individual Government agencies and aid in the establishment of a professional, well-trained and highly skilled workforce in the Offices of Inspectors General. Below, you will find an archive of their internal LISTSERV (e-mail list) known as CIGIE-Liasions. Document Archive The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) LISTSERV Archive, December 1, 2011 through December 31, 2018 [132 Pages, 68MB] – The following is a PDF compiled, with…

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In the “Budget for America’s Future” for fiscal year 2021, President Donald J. Trump’s Office of Management and Budget outlines wasteful and unnecessary spending. On Page 14 of the document, the document makes reference to funding going towards preparing religions for “discovering extraterrestrial life.” (Special thanks to Steve McDaniel for the find!) It is believed the referenced funding ties in to this $1,000,000 NASA program, posted in the Congressional record in January of 2017. Document Archive Budget for America’s Future FY 2021 [138 Pages, 2MB]

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