Author: John Greenewald

Background In April of 1980, the CIA’s Domestic Contacts Division passed on a SECRET memo to the U.S. Secret Service and the FBI that they had received from a man by the name of “Sunshine, The Psychic.”  This person believed he had a “strong psychic message” about Edward Kennedy and an assassination that would take place on April 6, 1980. Document Archive Alleged Psychic Message Re: Assassination Threat Against Senator Edward Kennedy, April 1980 [2 Pages, 0.5MB]

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Background This was a reference document created by the Department of Defense, of all personnel that were Prisoners of War (POWs) or Missing in Action (MIA) in Southeast Asia with their status as of November 1993. You will find John McCain listed, among many others. Document Archive Defense Prisoner of War Missing in Action Office Reference Document, November 1993 [53 Pages, 2.28MB]

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Background This document, “… provides for support to host nations, including deterction, monitoring, and interdiction in furtherance of the counternarcotics mission within the Andean Ridge countries. This campaign plan responds to specific tasking from the President and the Department of Defense.” This document was requested in March of 2018 to have a “Mandatory Declassification Review” conducted. However, after more than two years, SOUTHCOM informed me that the original, unredacted, version could not be located; therefore, a review could not be conducted. This means that this piece of history — is partially lost to the shredders. Document Archive United States Southern…

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By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published December 11, 2019 — Updated April 21, 2020 Based on the recent admission by the US Navy that it investigates encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), more commonly referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), The Black Vault attempted to identify reporting procedures and guidelines for commercial airliners and sought comment from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). “The FAA does not track UFOs. Please contact The National UFO Reporting Center,” the FAA told The Black Vault in an email. However, what appeared to be a contradiction to that statement,…

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Background According to the document: In a recent lecture period, Dr. Welmers discussed the methods employed in an operational analysis. These analysis techniques are particularly valuable when conducting a study program to define a system possessing optimum characteristics for accomplishing a certain job, since the factors used in the analysis can be applied uniformly to each of several desirable systems in an expeditious and economic manner to determine the relative merits of each system. Today I would like to consider this application of operational analysis; a study program designed to define an optimum weapon system. As a specific example I…

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