Author: John Greenewald

Background Office of the Secretary of Defense personnel responsible for deciding the realignment or closure of military installations based on the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) data calls and National Security Agency management personnel should read this report. The report discusses the validity, integrity, and supporting documentation of the data provided by the National Security Agency to assist the Secretary of Defense in BRAC 2005 recommendations. Document Archive National Security Agency Data Call Submissions and Internal Control Processes for Base Realignment and Closure 2005, May 13, 2005, Report No. 05-INTEL-10 [30 Pages, 5.5MB]

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Background According to this document: NASA/JSC is implementing an advanced propulsion physics laboratory, informally known as “Eagleworks”, to pursue propulsion technologies necessary to enable human exploration of the solar system over the next 50 years, and enabling interstellar spaceflight by the end of the century. This work directly supports the “Breakthrough Propulsion” objectives detailed in the NASA OCT TA02 In-space Propulsion Roadmap, and aligns with the #10 Top Technical Challenge identified in the report. Since the work being pursued by this laboratory is applied scientific research in the areas of the quantum vacuum, gravitation, nature of space-time, and other fundamental…

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By John Greenewald, Jr. – The Black Vault – Originally Published on February 8, 2020 — Updated February 18, 2020 There is nothing more mind numbing than sifting through hundreds of pages of defense related budgets. Line item after line item of program element numbers, dollar amounts and vague descriptions are only part of the headache. When searching for something specific, in a sea of nondescript references, it’s like seeking out one unique needle in a stack of needles.  If you set out to find what may be defense funding for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) research? You’ll go cross-eyed within…

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Background According to the introduction of the audit: “We performed the audit in response to allegations made to the Defense Hotline including the allegation that Sandia National Laboratory officials assigned to the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs) directed the Defense Special Weapons Agency to procure work from Department of Energy national laboratories. This is the second of two reports. The first report discusses two allegations related to Defense Special Weapons Agency procurements through the Department of Energy.” Document Archive Report 98-036, Intergovernmental Personnel Act Employees in the Office of…

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Background In his book, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions. His journey provides an unprecedented entry into the corridors of power, and a remarkable lesson in what makes an effective leader. Prior to publication, the FBI needed to conduct a security review. Below are documents released under via the FOIA, pertaining to that review. Document Archive FBI Prepublication Review of A Higher Loyalty by James Comey [62…

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