Author: John Greenewald

Background For presentation at the 2nd International Symposium on Beamed Energy Propulsion taking place in Sendai, Japan, from 20-23 October 2003. Document Archive Study to Determine the Effective and Cost of a Laser-Propelled Lightcraft Vehicle System – Results to Guide Future Developments, October 2003 [12 Pages, 1.6MB]

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Background This study was tasked with the purpose of conducting a major literature review of the ball lightning phenomenon to explore the observations, experimental tests, and theories. The best ideas and tests were segregated for further analysis and are summarized in this report. A combined bibliography of references was assembled and is presented. The focus of this study was to review and analyze the axially symmetric force-free time-harmonic plasmoid model developed by Nachamkin (1992) for a previous Air Force Research Laboratory study. The intent of the Nachamkin model was to bring together a unique blend of properties proposed by investigators…

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Background The Very High Speed Transit or “VHST” concept was put forward some years ago in response to the search for a pollution-free transport method that could operate at speeds competitive with aircraft. The general principles are relatively straightforward: electromagnetically levitated and propelled cars in an evacuated tunnel. Document Archive The Very High Speed Transit System (VHSTS), August 1972 – LA to NY In 21 Minutes / 14,000MPH [20 Pages, 1MB]

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Background Directing certain committees to continue their ongoing investigations as part of the existing House of Representatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its Constitutional power to impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, and for other purposes. Document Archive House Democrat Impeachment Resolution, October 29, 2019 [8 Pages, 0.1MB]

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Background The following document is found within the CIA archives of UFO files. For decades since its first release, portions of the memorandum was redacted. On January 24, 2019, The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request to have the record reviewed for possible further release. On August 7, 2019, the CIA released the letter and revealed that Dr. Leon Davidson was communicating with CIA agents about a “space message and its transmitter,” but was never told they were from the CIA. Dr. Leon Davidson was a chemical engineer and scientist, one of the team that developed the…

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