Author: John Greenewald

Background The following emails were internal communications between NSA employees on how to deal with certain types of FOIA requesters. I filed an MDR in 2019 as the records were previously released under FOIA, however, no new information came to light.  The records are archived below. Document Archive NSA Emails: Media Leaks Strategic Guidance Needed on Engaging FOIA Requesters, 2013 [9 Pages, 3.5MB]

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Background The following document was released in 2001, and found in the CIA CREST database. In February of 2019, I requested a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) of this record, and it was released to The Black Vault on September 9, 2019. Document Archive I/TH’s Assigned Commitment to Spend Time at NSA, December 23, 1955 [10 Pages, 3MB] – MDR release in September of 2019. New information highlighted that was previously redacted. I/TH’s Assigned Commitment to Spend Time at NSA, December 23, 1955 [10 Pages, 3MB] – Original CIA CREST database release.

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Background According to the (final?) report for Project Outgrowth: A study was conducted by an ad hoc group within the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory during the calendar year of 1970 in an attempt to predict the major propulsion developments that may occur in the next 40 years.  This report evaluates the future of conventional chemical rocketry based on thermodynamic principles and revolutionary conceptual approaches to system applications. Advanced concepts falling under the general headings of Thermal, Field and Photon Propulsion are evaluated to a degree necessary to define their potential. This report does not define a long list of…

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Background On September 26, 2019, the House Intelligence Committee released the following press release. The documents follow below: Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released the declassified whistleblower complaint. [See complaint and IG letter below] Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) made the following statement: “The Committee this morning will be releasing the declassified whistleblower complaint that it received late last night from the ODNI. It is a travesty that it was held up this long. “This complaint should never have been withheld from Congress. It exposed serious wrongdoing, and was found both urgent and credible by the Inspector General.…

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