Author: John Greenewald

Background The cover page for this report was released to me in the past, but I was not given (nor did my original request ask for) the report itself. In March of 2018, I requested the entire document, and was told there was “no records.” Given the fact I had already obtained the cover page, I appealed, and won that appeal. However, the result was not ideal. In fact, other than the cover page and table of contents, the entire document was redacted for national security reasons, or exemption (b)(1). Document Archive Special Event Assessment (SEA) for the 2009 United…

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Background This historical evaluation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) as an R&D management institution was commissioned by ARPA in recognition of the fact that remarkably little in the way of an official recordor institutional memory had been established during its seventeen year lifetime. From Agency Directors to program managers, the turnover in its leadership has been rapid by most bureaucratic standards, thus eroding first hand knowledge of ARPA’s role and activities rather quickly. Conceived as a unique management organization chartered to concentrate on advanced research within the Department of Defense, this very uniqueness has frequently been questioned. Virtually…

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Background The National Intelligence Estimate is the work product of about six intelligence agencies that pulled together all the information with regards to the weapons of mass destruction program of Saddam Hussein. It is titled “Iraq’s Continuing Programs For Weapons of Mass Destruction.” And in this document it is the key judgments they have made about the WMD program, current to the time October 2002 timeframe when originally released. There were two version created, an unclassified and a classified version. See below for various releases, including my Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests to get the document further declassified. Document Archive…

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Background In November of 2016, based on various media reports, I requested the following from the CIA: …any/all reports on investigations by your agency into the unacknowledged ties between the Trump Organization or the Trump Company and the Russian Government or proxies of the Russian Government. It took until March of 2019, for the CIA to give what is called the “GLOMAR RESPONSE”. This means that they will “neither confirm nor deny” the existence of the information sought. Document Archive CIA Investigations on Ties Between the Trump Organization and the Russian Government [3 Pages, 1.5MB]

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Background Between the 4 October 1957 launching by the Soviet Union of the first artificial earth satellite, Sputnik I, and the successful American landing and return from the moon in July 1969, the United States sponsored five human-spaceflight programs. The author examines the NASA-DOD relationship in human-spaceflight programs by looking at three issues. — First, what was the attitude of presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson toward the use of space exploration as a tool to secure international prestige and national pride as part of the Cold War struggle? — Second, what institutional relationship existed…

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