Author: John Greenewald

Background The foreword offers a very interesting perspective into the pre-Apollo era, where weightlessness, had not yet been achieved: “Weightlessness, the weird condition of subgravity which man has never before experience and survived — except for the initial split-second of short distance free fall — has recently become a major field of serious scientific research. Man now approaches this condition as his fast-climbing fighter flattens out to intercept an enemy bomber, and he may soon experience it for a long duration on multimonth interplanetary excursions.” Document Archive History of Research in Subgravity and Zero-G at the Air Force Missile Development…

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Background This is one of the many Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents released on UFOs. This was post Project Blue Book by 9 years, and technically, no U.S. government or military agency was supposed to be interested in UFOs at the time. On June 6, 2018, I requested a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request on the following, single page document. Although this is not the only one I filed around the same time frame, the key part of this specific document that was redacted and I aimed to get released, was the following: The remaining blacked out portions were likely…

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Background On January 23, 1968 the USS Pueblo (AGER-2), Auxiliary General Electronic Research Ship, was attacked, boarded and captured by North Koreans in International waters and taken to Wanson Harbor in North Korea. “Thus the USS Pueblo became the first United States warship captured without a fight since June 22, 1807, when HMS Leopard forced the USS Chesapeake to surrender off the Virginia capes and impressed four of its crew into the British Navy.” (Brandt, 1969) During the attack one Pueblo crewman was killed and seven others sustained shrapnel wounds — two of which were serious. The absence of shredding devices or effective destructive mechanisms made the task of completely…

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Background This is a released video, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). The video quality is the same as what they sent me, as they did not do a proper conversion when creating their DVD (or the original was poorly made). That said, it is archived here for reference. Document Archive The video can be played above. Below, you will find the official FOIA response letter.

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Background This document transcript was originally released in 2012 with redactions. In December of 2018, I requested that the document be reviewed again when I filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request. There was additional information released, which includes the identity of the Kennon satellite in the interview, which was previously redacted. According to Wikipedia: “Hans Michael Mark (born June 17, 1929 in Mannheim, Germany) is a former Secretary of the Air Force and a former Deputy Administrator of NASA. He is an expert and consultant in aerospace design and national defense policy. Mark retired from the Department of Aerospace…

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