Author: John Greenewald

The following document was obtained by The Black Vault through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and was part of the “Stargate Collection” release. The document below titled “Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR” from January 1972, released under the Freedom of Information Act, is a detailed account of Soviet research into human vulnerability, particularly in terms of incapacitating individuals or small groups. The report focuses on various methods used for influencing or altering human behavior, which includes extensive research by the Soviet scientific community in fields such as biophysics, psychology, physiology, and neuropsychiatry. This research has led to the exploration…

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The “Day Ahead Communications Rundown” emails for the Office of Risk Management, Government of the District of Columbia, are internal communications intended to provide an overview and coordination of daily activities and events. These emails typically contain information about scheduled events, media interactions, and various updates relevant to the day’s operations and communications within the Office of Risk Management and associated departments. These rundowns play a crucial role in ensuring that all members of the Office of Risk Management and related departments are up-to-date on the day’s priorities, media engagements, and other relevant activities. They help streamline communication, facilitate better…

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Roberto Santiesteban Casanova was arrested in the 1960s and faced charges alongside Jorge Garcia Orellana and Antonio Sueiro, as well as eight other individuals. These charges were part of a secret jury investigation into accusations of criminal activity. Among the accused was also a noted advocate for Puerto Rican independence​​. The context of the arrest was set against a backdrop of significant political and ideological changes in Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution, a new, agile, and industrious Cuba emerged, rallying around its revolutionary government and aspiring to build a better society. This Cuba, characterized by its readiness to defend the…

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This glossary, prepared by the FBI from a wide range of Communist literature, offers a glimpse into the specific language and terminology used by Communists during the Cold War era. Key highlights from the document include: The Concept of ‘Action’: Communists emphasize that an idea holds no value unless applied. Marxism, in their view, is not just a theory but a dynamic course of action, necessitating both the destruction of the current order and the construction of a new one in pursuit of a complete victory for Marxism. This notion underscores the primacy of deeds and results over mere words…

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The goal of this study was to determine the operational suitability of the LABS equipment for use in delivering atomic weapons from fighter aircraft under conditions of low ceiling and visibility. The investigations included a determination of obtainable accuracy, functional reliability, tactics and techniques, and training requirements. Document Archive Operational Suitability Test of the LABS Computer – 19 November 1953 [58 Pages, 10.2MB]

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