Author: John Greenewald

Background Located near the U.S. Military Academy in New York, the United States Mint at West Point stores silver, gold, and platinum bullion, as well as mints: American Eagle proof and uncirculated coins in gold, silver, and platinum American Buffalo gold bullion coins Commemorative Coins as authorized by Congress In May of 2018, I requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) a copy of all inventories done of all gold coins, along with all inventories of other items of value that were/are being stored at this U.S. Mint location. Document Archive  U.S. Mint West Point Facility, Inventory Reports, Released…

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Background The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) is an independent entity established within the executive branch to address integrity, economy and effectiveness issues that transcend individual Government agencies and aid in the establishment of a professional, well-trained and highly skilled workforce in the Offices of Inspectors General. Document Archive  The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Meeting Minutes, 2013-2015 [65 Pages, 7.9MB]

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Background From the document: “The design elements, or visual language, that make up our house style attempt to convey — through imagery, color and appearance — the qualities that we want the Department of Homeland Security to be known for: being innovative and proactive in our mission and being accessible and direct with our public. We are entrusted with the relentless protection and defense of America, its ideals, its way of life and its people. We are the trusted and authoritative partner to the state, local and private sector entities that share our mission. We are a 21st-century form of government and…

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Background This document was first released in 2003, though heavily redacted. In February of 2018, I requested a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) of the record, in hopes it would be further declassified. It was not, in fact, the redactions were nearly identical, with the exception that one of the document’s footers had less redacted, but does not add anything new. Both records are archived below for reference… the latest release, from 2018, is listed first. Document Archive  2018 Release: China: The Galaxy-II Computer and Nuclear-Related Research, August 3, 1994 [12 Pages, 1.5MB]  2003 Release: China: The Galaxy-II Computer and…

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Background General John William Vogt Jr. (March 18, 1920 – April 16, 2010) was a flying ace of the United States Army Air Forces in World War II who later achieved general rank in the United States Air Force during the Cold War period. He was commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe and commander in chief United States Air Forces in Europe at Ramstein Air Base, Germany in the 1970s. Vogt was born on March 18, 1920 and died April 16, 2010. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Yale University and his master of arts from Columbia University.…

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