Author: John Greenewald

Background According to the document: “Analysis of all plots against the United States and US interests between 2001 and 2010 by action-oriented indicted Islamic extremists indicated there was an 11 percent increase in the number of incidents after 2006 as compared to the earlier half of the decade. The FBI and the Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC) assess [[ REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED  ]] based on available and reliable open source reporting, that US person activity drove the post-2006 rise, as the group was five times more active than foreign nationals in the same timeframe.” Document Archive  Intelligence Assessment: “Decade in Review: Self-Selecting…

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Background On July 5, 2016, then FBI Director James Comey made a statement regarding the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal. He announced that there would be no formal charges against Hillary Clinton. The statement and the decision was very controversial. So, on July 7, 2016, I requested the entire collection of e-mails that were sent to or from Director Comey. To my surprise, I got a large batch of documents, and am still waiting for responses from other agencies for the additional release of e-mails. You can find everything released thus far below. Document Archive  James Comey E-mails Sent to/from on…

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Background According to the NHTSA: Through enforcing vehicle performance standards and partnerships with state and local governments, NHTSA reduces deaths, injuries and economic losses from motor vehicle crashes. While fulfilling this duty, the NHTSA has a large list of videos that they have created and utilize.  In April of 2017, I requested an index of the NHTSA Video Library and an index of the NHTSA DVD collection. They released the information in July of 2017. Document Archive  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Video List – Released July 2017 [194 Pages, 37.4MB]

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Background On the night of March 8, 2017, the Statue of Liberty went dark. All the lights were off, except the torch light. Social media blew up with tweets and posts about the outage. No one knew why. In April of 2017, I filed a FOIA request to the National Park Service (NPS) for records pertaining to the incident. In June of the same year, I received responsive documents that consisted of emails between Park Police and other NPS officials regarding the incident. They are available below. Document Archive  The Statue of Liberty Loss of Power on March 8, 2017…

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Background The document, “Beyond BOURBON-1948: The Fourth Year of Allied Collaborative COMINT Effort Against the Soviet Union” dated 1995 was first released in approximately 2010. The document had excessive redactions.  After a document has been reviewed, as long as two years have passed, you can request a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) to get the document re-reviewed for possible further release. In other words, get redactions lifted. In October of 2016, I request an MDR on the document. The NSA reviewed it under MDR Case 85686, and released the record to me in June of 2017. Declassified Document  Beyond BOURBON-1948: The…

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