Author: John Greenewald

Background This document was fought hard for, as it was finally released in a heavily redacted form, after a FOIA appeal. After receiving the declassified page on the NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE (NRO) from the Intellipedia system, I found a reference to the NRO GEOINT Capabilities document. I requested it in September of 2017, and it was denied in its entirety by the NRO as they claimed it was classified due to national security, or FOIA exemption (b)(1). On October 21, 2017, I filed an appeal to their decision, referencing the fact that it was unlikely the entire document was “classified” as they…

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Background Since Bigelow Aerospace and Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) was mentioned as being a part of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP)program, I had recalled that many FAA manuals had BAASS listed as a place of contact for commercial pilot UFO reports. The dates that Bigelow Aerospace/BAASS entered into the manuals very much coincide with the start of the AATIP program.  Prior, the manuals reference Bigelow Aerospace’s previous project called NIDS starting in 2002.  However, all references to Bigelow Aerospace/BAASS have been removed, which coincides with the actual cancellation of the AATIP program (although this ‘cancellation’ date…

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Background Excerpt from the document: “Soviet statements indicate that the Soviets are planning a manned Mars mission from which they hope to derive world acclaim and prestige. Because all the technologies needed for such a flight have not yet been perfected, the Soviets have not committed themselves to a launch date. Our strongest, current indicators of Soviet plans for a manned mission to Mars are the long-duration stays in space by cosmonauts and the Soviet program to develop magnetoplasma dynamic thrusters for long duration space propulsion.” In March of 2018, The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request to…

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Background Numerous human radiation experiments have been performed in the United States, many of which were funded by various U.S. government agencies such as the United States Department of Defense and the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Experiments included, but were not limited to: – irradiating the heads of children – feeding radioactive material to mentally disabled children – exposing U.S. soldiers and prisoners to high levels of radiation – irradiating the testicles of prisoners, which caused severe birth defects – exhuming bodies from graveyards to test them for radiation (without the consent of the families of the deceased) Below,…

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Background This particular document was found, when I filed a FOIA request back on April 10, 2014, asking for: a copy of all records, electronic or otherwise, pertaining to the internal discussion by the National Security Agency on how the agency would deal with FOIA requests, the media, and any and all inquiries into the NSA after Edward Snowden released classified information.  It took until 20 September 2017, but the NSA released the below document as responsive to the above. Document Archive  NSA/CSS Media Engagement and Outreach Plan: September – December 2014 [21 Pages, 1.8MB] FOIA Case File I…

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