Author: John Greenewald

Background Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum is a design museum located in the Upper East Side’s Museum Mile in Manhattan, New York City. It is one of nineteen museums that fall under the wing of the Smithsonian Institution and is one of three Smithsonian facilities located in New York City, the other two being the George Gustav Heye Center in Bowling Green and the Archives of American Art New York Research Center in the Flatiron District. It is the only museum in the United States devoted to historical and contemporary design. Its collections and exhibitions explore approximately 240 years of…

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Background The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) is an independent entity established within the executive branch to address integrity, economy and effectiveness issues that transcend individual Government agencies and aid in the establishment of a professional, well-trained and highly skilled workforce in the Offices of Inspectors General. Below, you will find agreements between the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the CIGIE. You will also find details behind money exchanged between the agencies. Document Archive  The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Agreements [17 Pages, 1.7MB]…

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Background P.L. 93-531, as amended by P.L. 96-305, authorized the acquisition of 400,000 acres of land to be taken into trust to be used for the benefit of those Navajo families residing on the Hopi partitioned Land with such land to be administered by the ONHIR until relocation is complete. The land was purchased and developed. The ONHIR installed infrastructure, chapter facilities and developed the Rural Community and Range Units. New Lands Video, in both English and Navajo, commissioned by the ONHIR for the purpose of describing the New lands to relocatees who might be interested in relocating to the…

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Background The core mission of the ODNI is to lead the IC in intelligence integration, forging a community that delivers the most insightful intelligence possible. ODNI’s National Centers integrate and coordinate the activities of the entire IC, or in some cases, broader U.S. Government in the IC’s major mission areas: counterterrorism, cybersecurity, counterproliferation and counterintelligence. When personnel (or the Director themself) receives a gift, they must create a log of what the gift is, value, to whom it was given (if not redacted) and to whom it was given to. Below, you will find the log for the ODNI for…

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Background Abstract: The biological warfare (BW) capabilities of state and nonstate actors are growing worldwide. This trend leads us to believe that the risk of an attack against the United States, its interests and allies will increase in the corning years. In addition, the United States would be affected by the use of BW agents anywhere in the world a strong possibility in the years ahead. Washington probably would be called upon to help contain conflicts or deal wit.h a terrorist attack in which biological agents were used–either overtly or covertly-or to provide scientific expertise and humanitarian assistance to deal with their…

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