Author: John Greenewald

Background This instruction provides policy guidance concerning the nature and extent of Coast Guard hazardous chemical response activities. It describes the response functions that marine safety units shall carry out, subject to resource availability, and the training, equipment, staffing standards, and procedures associated with those functions. Document Archive  Policy Guidance for Response to Hazardous Chemical Releases, 12 March 1984 [229 Pages, 4.6MB]

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Background In recent years, Iran strengthened its regional and global position through a wide array of alliances, spreading from Latin America to the borders of Israel. This has been done as to enhance /rants role as a regional leader, and to undermine efforts to halt its nuclear project. Within this strategic context, Iran had developed prominent ties with the Lebanese “Hezbollah” and the Gaza based “Hamas”. Such ties pose a continuous challenge to stability in the Middle East, and disrupt the prospects of peace talks between Israel and moderate Palestinians. If a wide armed conflict breaks out due to an…

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The FBI is tasked with keeping tabs on potential terrorists and their activities.  The following is a list of documents that have been released.  Declassified Terrorist FBI Files Ali Hasan Al-Majid Al-Tikriti (Chemical Ali) – [ 53 Pages, 3.64MB ] – Ali Hassan Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (November 1941 – 25 January 2010) was a Ba’athist Iraqi Defense Minister, Interior Minister, military commander and chief of the Iraqi Intelligence Service. He was also the governor of annexed Kuwait, during the Persian Gulf War. A first cousin of former Ba’athist Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, he became notorious in the 1980s and 1990s for his role…

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Background According to the Department of Justice Criminal Resource Manual – Use of Hypnosis: “In certain limited cases, the use of forensic hypnosis can be an aid in the investigative process. Witnesses to crimes have been able to recall certain facets of the crime while in a hypnotic state that they had not remembered without hypnosis. The use of hypnosis, however, is subject to serious objections and thus should be used only on rare occasions. The information obtained from a person while in a hypnotic trance cannot be assumed to be accurate. Therefore, any information obtained by the use of…

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Background “Project Corona Harvest” was a U.S. Air Force program that ran from 1968 to 1974, aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the air operations in the Vietnam War. The main purpose of the project was to provide the Air Force with comprehensive and detailed data about their actions during the war. The project entailed the collection, correlation, and analysis of all available operational data to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of airpower during the conflict. This included everything from bombing missions to logistical support. The primary focus was to understand how well the Air Force had achieved its objectives…

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