Author: John Greenewald

Background This administrative investigation was initiated upon receipt of information from [[ REDACTED ]] NASA-OIG, who advised [[ REDACTED ]] in Pittsburgh, PA contacted her regarding a computer with a plate labeled Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) NASA Property and reels of magnetic data tape (reel tapes), several labeled 1969, that were found while an acquaintance was cleaning the residence of a deceased person. The Investigation  NASA OIG Investigation: Recovery of Possibly Historical 1969 NASA Data Tapes, December 4, 2015 [61 Pages, 14.8MB]

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Background The federal Witness Security Program (WITSEC Program) was established to provide for the security, health, and safety of government witnesses whose lives are at risk as a result of their testimony against organized crime members, drug traffickers, terrorists, and other major criminals. 1 Since the WITSEC Program’s inception in 1971, more than 8,700 witnesses and over 9,900 family members and other associates of witnesses have been admitted into the WITSEC Program. Within this population, there are known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) who have agreed to cooperate in major terrorism investigations and prosecutions, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,…

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Background The Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General initiated this investigation on a complaint received from  [[ REDACTED ]] (who alleged he was sent the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for dozens of Federal Agency employees and applicants by the FEMA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Office pursuant to a FOIA request he filed. Durin r the investigation, it was determined that  [[ REDACTED ]], Disclosure Unit, FEMA, Washington, DC, sent [[ REDACTED ]] two emails on October 2, 2014, containing un-redacted PII within attachments. When interviewed, [[ REDACTED ]] took responsibility for the improper release of PII, and…

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Background This was an information paper that was found during a 2014 FOIA request to CENTCOM. At the time, I requested the following: “I respectfully request a copy of all documents, electronic or otherwise, that pertain to orders to military personnel and contractors, about how they are expected to observe Ramadan and how they are supposed to act in other countries during this time.” CENTCOM forwarded the below pages to OSD/JS for review and release, and I was sent them on September 8, 2017. (See also: NSA Observance of Ramadan) Document Archive Combat Operations in the Global War on Terrorism…

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Background BRAC 2005 is the formal process outlined in Public Law l 01-51 0, “Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990,” as amended, under which the Secretary of Defense may realign or close military installations inside the United States and it’s territories. As part of BRAC 2005, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics issued, “Transformation Through Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC 2005) Policy Memorandum One-Policy, ResponsibilitiesJ and Procedures,” April 16, 2003, which stated that the DoD Office of Inspector General would review the accuracy ofBRAC data and the certification process. The BRAC 2005 process was…

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