Author: John Greenewald

This book is intended to be a general overview of U.S. government cryptology since the end of World War II. It is projected to be a four-book study carrying the story to the end of the Cold War, symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall. Document Archive Book I: The Struggle for Centralization 1945-1960  American Cryptology During the Cold War 1945-1989, Book I [299 Pages, 14.87MB] Book II: Centralization Wins, 1960-1972  American Cryptology During the Cold War 1945-1989, Book II [371 Pages, 73MB] – This version was after an MDR case filed in November 2021 and released in January 2023.…

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In November of 2018, The Black Vault began pursuing records relating to the company United Nuclear, owned by Bob Lazar of “flying saucers at Area 51” fame. Whether his story behind seeing alien craft within Area 51 is true or not, his company United Nuclear does have an FBI file. According to United Nuclear’s website: “The purpose of United Nuclear Scientific (United Nuclear Scientific Supplies, LLC) is to once again make scientific equipment & supplies available to everyone. Currently, both private and public schools (as well as other learning institutions) have removed chemicals & glassware from their chemistry labs and…

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The follow It is written as a Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) publication, authored by Lieutenant Colonel Karl E. Nell, explores the complex history and strategic development of the “hearts-and-minds” concept in counterinsurgency (COIN) warfare. Initially conceptualized by British Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer during the 1952 Malayan Emergency to address a communist guerrilla insurgency, this approach has evolved to become a pivotal aspect of modern COIN doctrine, notably influenced by General David Petraeus’s application during the 2007 Iraq surge. The study thoroughly examines the concept’s colonial origins, its transformation during the Cold War, its misinterpretations in Vietnam, and…

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PURPOSE: To forward to the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, via the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight (ATSD(IO)), NSA’s quarterly report on its intelligence activities. Document Archive NSA Report to the President’s Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) for 4QT 2001 [9 Pages, 2MB]

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The following is a book written by the History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, in 1993. Originally classified SECRET, the book was later released via the FOIA to another requester  at an unknown date. A Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request was filed by The Black Vault in May of 2019, and the document was re-released with slightly less redactions in June of 2022. The document is available below: Document Archive Richard Helms As Director Of Central Intelligence 1966-1973, by Robert M. Hathaway and Russell Jack Smith [230 Pages, 44MB]

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