Author: John Greenewald

Background According to the investigation report: Our objective was to determine whether continental United States Army counterintelligence investigative activities and evidence handling procedures complied with Executive Order 12333, DoD policy, and U.S. Army regulations. Findings Overall, we found that the Army is conducting counterinteiHgence investigative activities and evidence handling procedures in accordance with Executive Order 12333, DoD policy, and U.S. Army regulations. However, we found that the Army does not have a policy for entering subjects of Limited Counterintelligence Assessments into the Defense Central Index of Investigations as outlined by DoD Instruction 5505.07, “Titling and Tndexing Subjects of Criminal Investigations…

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A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb strikes an ISIS-K cave and tunnel systems in the Achin district of the Nangarhar Province in eastern Afghanistan at 7:32 p.m. local time April 13, 2017. The strike was designed to minimize the risk to Afghan and U.S. forces conducting clearing operations in the area while maximizing the destruction of ISIS-K fighters and facilities. ISIS-K, also known as the Khorasan group, is based in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region and is composed primarily of former members of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban. (DoD video) Please note: This work, Aerial Footage of MOAB Bomb…

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Background The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act (P.L. 107-188) requires the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and Agriculture to report to the Congress annually on the number and nature of notifications received concerning the theft, loss, or release of biological agents or toxins (select agents) regulated pursuant to that Act. Document Archive The Department of Agriculture and The Department of Health and Human Services Report to Congress on Thefts, Losses, or Releases of Select Agents or Toxins – 2002 – 2015 [39 Pages, 6.4MB]

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Background This report presents the results of our investigation into allegations that the following Amtrak (the company) employees violated company policy by accepting paid trips from W.W. Grainger Inc. (Grainger), an industrial supply distributor, to its annual trade show (Grainger Show) in Orlando, Florida while involved with procuring products from Grainger Conclusions Our investigation found that company employees improperly accepted gifts from Grainger, a contractor doing business with the company and, thus, violated or acted inconsistently with the Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interest policy. Further, they failed to disclose these gifts on their respective Certificates of Compliance. Mitigating these…

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Background Although the purpose and scope of this document is exempt from disclosure, I was able to find reference to the handbook to obtain a description of it, and get an idea of it’s purpose. The following comes from the 2010 Annual FISMA Executive Summary Report: The SEC has implemented policies and procedures to address Incident Response which are well documented and address the NIST and OMB43 guidance. C5i’s review of the SEC’s Incident Response Capability (IRC) Handbook provided evidence of the SEC’s attributes for its incident response and reporting program. The SEC IRC Handbook was developed to assist in the…

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