Author: John Greenewald

Background According to Wikipedia: On February 9, 2017, during an appearance on Fox & Friends, Kellyanne Conway discussed department store Nordstrom’s decision to drop products supplied by Ivanka Trump’s business. “Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would tell you”, declared Conway; she elaborated “It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it. I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online”. Within hours, two organizations filed formal ethics complaints against Conway for violating federal law prohibiting use of a federal position “for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise”.…

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Background As a Service and Department we must act decisively, recognizing that climate change threatens to exacerbate other existing pressures on the sustainability of our fish and wildlife resources. We must act boldly, without having all the answers, confident that we will learn and adapt as we go. And most importantly, we must act now, as if the future of fish and wildlife and people hangs in the balance — for indeed, all indications are that it does. As a Service, we are committed to examining everything we do, every decision we make, and every dollar we spend through the…

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Background The FOIA, enacted in 1966, generally provides that any person has a right to obtain access to federal agency records except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from public disclosure by one of nine exemptions or by one of three special law enforcement records exclusions. The Privacy Act of 1974 may also be used by certain individuals to obtain access to records maintained by their names or other personal identifier in an agency system of records. Requests for Privacy Act records shall be processed in accordance with the Privacy Act, FDIC Regulations at…

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Background The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recognizes the unique relationship that the Federal government has with Federally recognized Tribes. The NRC is committed to the development and implementation of agency policies and regulatory activities with Tribal implications. The “Tribal Protocol Manual” is intended to facilitate effective consultations and interactions between the NRC and Native American Tribes concerning activities within the scope of the NRC’s jurisdiction. The Tribal Protocol Manual is a reference tool, produced from multiple sources, including interviews with NRC staff and management and other Federal agencies’ personnel and Tribal representatives experienced in working with Tribes. NRC management…

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Background This report provides the results of the Office of Inspection’s (OOI) Review of the TSA Canine Program- Safety Incidents. The review was conducted at the request of the Acting Administrator, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as the result of a dog bite incident which occurred at the Denver International Airport, Denver, Colorado. The incident involved two Canine Transportation Security Inspector- Cargo (CTSI-C) handlers and an assigned canine. OOI conducted this review to determine if (l) there are any systemic issues related to training, dog selection, and handler selection in TSA’s Proprietary Canine Program associated with biting incidents related to canine aggressive…

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