Author: John Greenewald

According to the FBI: Although he escaped from his office in the North Tower after it was struck, he died later helping others evacuate when the tower collapsed. In 25 years as an Agent, O’Neill made a name for himself as a tenacious, hard-charging, and passionate fighter against terrorism. He led the Counterterrorism Section at FBI Headquarters during some of the FBI’s most high-profile investigations, including the Oklahoma City federal building bombing, the attack on U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia, and the pursuit of the first World Trade Center bomber in 1993. He spent his last four years in the…

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Background The Registration Inquiries Manual (RI Manual) contains guidance for the handling of registration-related inquiries concerning registrants born after December 31, 1959. It is an internal manual which sets forth specific responsibilities within the Agency for this activity. The Manual includes guidelines for standard and nonstandard responses, written or telephonic registration inquiries, and registrant inquiries from Federal law enforcement and investigative agencies. Samples of and guidelines for other types of standard responses, i.e., Status Information, Compliance, and “Prior” Letters, are included in separate Selective Service publications. The Selective Service System has developed Registration Information (RI) standardized letters, and compliance letters to be used when responding to registration inquiries, concerning…

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Background Throughout his time as the President of Cuba, many attempts were made by the United States to assassinate Fidel Castro. The attempts were made by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency. All the attempts on Fidel Castro’s life failed. Following World War II, the United States became secretly engaged in a practice of international political assassinations and attempts on foreign leaders. For a considerable period of time, the U.S. Government officials vehemently denied any knowledge of this program since it would be against the United Nations Charter. On March 5, 1972, Richard Helms, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director, declared…

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Background The following is based on the introduction in the document: The insatiable desire of the Soviet Union for intelligence of an almost unbelievable scope and nature supplies the basis for this monograph. The range of intelligence targets in the United States indicated by the Soviets is, on the one hand, information vital to the security of the United States and, on the other hand, information of perhaps some domestic value to the Soviet Union, but not remotely connected with the actual security of the United States. Between these divergencies we find a large volume of targets that defy absolute classification in these two categories due to…

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According to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII): I. CEII Defined CEII is specific engineering, vulnerability, or detailed design information about proposed or existing critical infrastructure (physical or virtual) that: Relates details about the production, generation, transmission, or distribution of energy; Could be useful to a person planning an attack on critical infrastructure; Is exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act; and Gives strategic information beyond the location of the critical infrastructure. II. Helpful Resources In order to familiarize yourself with the Commission’s policy regarding Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) , please…

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