Author: John Greenewald

The following is a short excerpt from the report. The entire document can be downloaded below: Per the request of ADIC WELCH, the following analysis of the FBI/DEA Joint Narcotics Task Force is set forth: The Task Force was established in September, 1977 with the stated purpose of effecting “optimum use of the resources of both agencies in order to achieve successful prosecution and neutralization of high level narcotics traffickers who are also members of the organized crime element”.  The Task Force was established with an FBI Supervisor and nine Bureau Agents plus a DEA Group Supervisor with six Agents. The Task Force has been in operation…

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Background In September of 2014, published an article which stated that the FBI listed ZERO as the number of people killed in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012. This fuels the conspiracy that the Newtown shooting was a “false flag” operation, and that no one died. Here is an excerpt from the article: Recently released FBI crime statistics curiously appear to show that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, despite reports that numerous schoolchildren and faculty members were slaughtered during a shooting rampage in December of that year. In contrast to the Connecticut report, the 2012 FBI crime report…

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Background The following document was received under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was created by the Director of the DIA, LTG Patrick M. Hughes. In the introduction, he writes: This is the fourth edition of the Primer on the Future Threat and my final as the Director of DIA. My intent remains to provide a thought provoking document that highlights for decision makers and long range planners those threats and challenges that may emerge in the period 1999-2020 and beyond. Over the past five years, the Department of Defense has grown increasingly…

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Background The National Archives released a series of memos written by Sept. 11 Commission staff members, a compilation of numerous possible connections between the hijackers and Saudis inside the United States. The document appears to be a glimpse into what is still contained in the classified 28 pages of the congressional inquiry into the 2001 attacks. The following documents were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Special thanks to the NY Times for their diligence in obtaining their release. Declassified Documents  Memos on Alleged Saudi-Affiliated Support of the 9/11 Attacks [47 Pages, 13MB]

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In February 2016, NASA/JPL released these posters, depicting what future space tourism posters could look like. They are an amazing look at creativity, ingenuity and the future. Here is what JPL had to say about their release: Background Imagination is our window into the future. New travel posters from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, envision a day when the creativity of scientists and engineers will allow us to do things we can only dream of now. You can take a virtual trip to 14 alien worlds, and maybe even plaster your living room with planetary art, via the new,…

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