Author: John Greenewald

The National Security Act of 1947, as amended; the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004; Executive Order (EO) 12958; as amended, Classified National Security Information; EO 12333, as amended. United States Intelligence Activities; EO 13355, Strengthened Management of the Intelligence Community (IC); and other applicable provisions of law. This directive applies to the JC, as defined by the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and other departments or agencies that may be designated by the President, or designated jointly by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the head of the department or agency concerned, as an element of the IC. Unauthorized”…

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This publication is a translation of Aviation and Cosmonautics (Aviatsiya I Kosmonavtika) formerly Herald of the Air Fleet, a monthly journal of the Soviet Army Air Force published by the Military Publishing House, Ministry of Defense, USSR. Every effort has been made to provide as accurate a translation as practicable. Soviet propaganda has not been deleted, as it is felt that such deletion could reduce the value of the translation to some portion of the intelligence community. Political and technical phraseology of the original text has been adhered to in order to avoid possible distortion of information.  A History of Soviet Aviation and Cosmonautics, January 1965 [141…

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As excerpted from the official Inspector General’s report (available below), here is the background on this investigation: Under its contract for the Idaho Cleanup Project, CH2M-WG Idaho LLC was to design, construct, and operate the Sodium-Bearing Waste Treatment Facility (SBWTF) to treat 900,000 gallons of radioactive liquid waste that is currently stored in underground waste tanks at the Idaho National Laboratory. The 1995 Settlement Agreement required the Department to complete processing of the sodium-bearing waste by December 31, 2012. Following treatment, as required by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the waste tanks were to be removed from service by…

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The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) describes the Project UPWARD as the following: In August 2014, the NRO released declassified Project UPWARD records from their archives. Project UPWARD was a joint project that began in 1964, when the NRO and NASA signed an agreement to transfer optical technology from the NRO to NASA. UPWARD was initiated as a low orbit, high resolution contingency program, should NASA’s primary effort to certify lunar landing sites fail. The primary NASA lunar landing certification effort consisted of a high orbit camera program called Lunar Orbiter and a landing vehicle program called Surveyor. Since NASA’s programs…

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Excerpt What GAO Found The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) made progress in implementing information security controls; however, weaknesses in the controls limited their effectiveness in protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of financial and sensitive taxpayer data. During fiscal year 2015, IRS continued to devote attention to securing its information systems that process sensitive taxpayer and financial information. Key among its actions were further restricting access privileges on key financial applications and continuing its migration to multifactor authentication across the agency. However, significant control deficiencies remained. For example, the agency had not always (1) implemented controls for identifying and authenticating…

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