Author: John Greenewald

Declassified Manned Orbiting Laboratory/DORIAN Illustrations The Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) was a 1960s Air Force program with the ostensible mission to place military personnel in orbit to conduct scientific experiments to determine the “military usefulness” of placing man into space and the techniques and procedures for doing so if the need ever arose. The actual, classified, mission of the MOL program was to place a manned surveillance satellite into orbit. At the time, several military and contractor studies estimated that manned surveillance satellites could acquire photographic coverage of the Soviet Union with resolution better than the best system at the…

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This section contains batches of documents that have been received from multiple agencies.  The FOIA request was for all documents relating to UFOs… the following is what was received.  Simply click on the agency of your choice. United States Army Army Released January 1997 [355 Pages – 22 MB] Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) The CIA’s UFO Files Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Released October 1996 – Note additional records released by the CIA above, that were found while processing a later 2009 request for additional UFO records. Defense Intelligence Agency UFO Files Through 1979 [204 Pages, 39.5MB] Defense Intelligence Agency UFO Files from 1979-1989 [12 Pages,…

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According to the website for the popular Tor web browser, “Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security.” I felt that the intelligence community would probably take a great interest in this technology, and I requested information from multiple agencies to see what they might have. Many are still being processed, but what has come back is available below: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Records  Central Intelligence Agency [ 2 Pages, 0.2MB ] Federal Bureau…

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In 2014, I came across reference to a document within the CIA’s holding, that referenced an alleged incident which occurred in 1966. This was subsequently investigated by the Central Intelligence Agency and their office of the Inspector General (CIA/IG). According to a declassified report, released to The Black Vault in July of 2015: The following information is being entered by Investigator ___________.  ______ wrote to the Director, FBI on January 2, 1998 and Sen. Phil Gramm, Texas on Feb 2, 1998. Claims an unnamed subsource is aware of an incident in 1966 where the CIA and U.S. military forces committed a friendly fire…

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The following document was first requested in April of 2015, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The following was all I knew about the document: Title: ( U ) Situation Awareness and Decision Support System for Defensive Counterspace PDF URL: (pdf) – 2 MB – Accession Number: ADB339747 Personal Author(s): Bowman, Christopher ;  DeSieno, Duane Corporate Author: DATA FUSION AND NEURAL NETWORKS BROOMFIELD CO Report Date: 10 Apr 2008 Descriptive Note: Final rept. 10 Apr 2007-10 Apr 2008 Pages:77 Page(s) Report Number: FA9453-07-M-0109FR   ( FA945307M0109FR )  ,  AFRL-RV-PS – TR-2008-1026 AFRL-RV-PS   ( AFRLRVPSTR20081026 AFRLRVPS )  ,  XC…

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