Author: John Greenewald

[Declassified Documents on Operation Paperclip Follow This Brief Introduction] At the twilight of World War II, as the embers of battle subsided and the world began to reimagine its new geopolitical landscape, the United States launched an audacious covert operation. Termed “Operation Paperclip,” this classified mission sought to capitalize on the scientific prowess of Nazi Germany, aiming to bolster American defense, research, and space exploration capabilities for the decades to come. Background and Objectives When the dust of World War II settled, the global powers, especially the U.S. and the Soviet Union, were already eyeing the spoils of war. Both…

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In a new development concerning Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), a batch of documents and videos has emerged from the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The unexpected find came to light thanks to X user “Dr.Disclosure89 (@Docneuroeo)”, who alerted The Black Vault about this discovery. As of now, the origins of this release remain a mystery. There are two main possibilities: either CBP took the initiative to proactively disclose these materials to the public, or they were released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The Black Vault currently has multiple FOIA cases with CBP.…

Read More In a recent release of documents obtained via FOIA case 23-F-0946, new information has surfaced surrounding the media-nicknamed “UFO Whistleblower,” David Grusch. Grusch, who has claimed to have knowledge regarding “non-human intelligence”—believed by many to refer to extraterrestrial beings—had made headlines with his story, yet a crucial piece of the puzzle seemed elusive: his Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR)  submission that he, and the media, often references. The Black Vault has extensively highlighted the absence of Grusch’s actual approved DOPSR submission. While Grusch remained tight-lipped, a FOIA request filed by The Black Vault has now shed…

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In a recent revelation through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), The Black Vault has procured documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) relating to investigations into the origins of the Covid-19 novel SARS-2 Coronavirus. But the excessive redactions and withheld information have only intensified the mystery around the pandemic’s inception. The original FOIA request specifically sought “all reports, papers, memos, etc. from the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center during 2019, 2020 or 2021 evaluating the origin of the Covid-19 novel SARS-2 Coronavirus and/or whether the Covid-19 novel SARS-2 Coronavirus was created in a laboratory.” The DIA’s response: “A search…

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In this paper, Dr. Sergey Rogov, Director of the Institute for USA and Canada Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, lays out what might be considered some of the most serious consequences that may unfold from the nuclear weapons tests that first India and then Pakistan conducted in the spring of 1998. He points out that, with these initiatives, nuclear weapons have reentered the fabric of international politics. We had all hoped that the centrality of nuclear weapons would fade away after the end of the Cold War. Dr. Rogov also lays out some approaches to deal…

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