Author: John Greenewald

The following summary of this incident was published by, “The Long War Journal.” It was printed on January 11th, 2014, and portions are utilized here to offer a summary of this incident. The Taliban were responsible for downing a US Army Blackhawk helicopter in the southern Afghan province of Zabul on Dec. 17, 2013, the International Security Assistance Force has confirmed. The helicopter may have been brought down by an anti-helicopter mine such as one tested by the Islamic Jihad Union, an al Qaeda-linked group known to operate in the province. When the helicopter crashed on Dec. 17, ISAF said…

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On 5 August 2014, at approximately 1155 local time, an Afghan National Army (ANA) Military Policeman (MP) opened fire on a large group of Coalition and Afghan Forces who were conducting a series of briefings at the Marshal Fa him National Defense University (MFNDU) in Kabul, Afghanistan. MG Harold Greene, DCG, Combined Security Transition Command -Afghanistan (CSTC-A), was killed and 18 other Coalition and Afghan Forces were injured. The shooter  was also killed. No negligence on the part of event planners or leaders present. This incident could not have been reasonably foreseen or prevented, appearing as an isolated act of a determined shooter without indicators or warnings.…

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During the late night and early morning hours of November 5-6, 2014, coalition aircraft conducted airstrikes on targets in the vicinity of Harim City, Idlib Govemate, Syria. The strikes were designed to destroy targets utilized by Khorasan Group-affiliated extremists to meet and manufacture explosives, including an explosives-making and storage facility used by known improvised explosive device (lED) manufacturers. Khorasan Group targets were assessed as destroyed as a result of those airstrikes. Despite the success of the airstrikes in destroying the targets, the strikes likely resulted in the deaths of two civilians, and caused minor injuries to two other civilians residing near one of the targeted locations. During…

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Background This Final Report was prepared by Ion Physics Corporation under Air Force Contract AF08(635)-2795, “Directed Energy Weapons Test Facility”. The work was administered under the direction of Weapons Laboratory (ASQWR) Detachment 4, ASD. The studies began on May 1, 1962 and ended on December 31, 1962. Dr. A. S. Denholm was overall program manager with R. Britton acting as project engineer on that part of the studies concerned with the ultra high voltage facilities for the study of vacuum insulation, the studies required many talents. This report concludes work under the contract and is the only report. It was classified SECRET (though…

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Introduction UVB-76, also known as “The Buzzer”, is the nickname given by radio listeners to a shortwave radio station that broadcasts on the frequency 4625 kHz. It broadcasts a short, monotonous About this sound buzz tone, repeating at a rate of approximately 25 tones per minute, for 24 hours per day. Here is a sample of the tone: On very rare occasions, the buzzer signal is interrupted and a voice transmission in Russian takes place. Here is one example, as archived by a researcher who monitors the frequency: The first reports were made of a station on this frequency…

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