Author: John Greenewald

Under the Freedom of Information Act, you can request quite a few different things. Most commonly, is requesting information on certain projects, operations or investigations by the government and military. However, in this request, I asked the National Security Agency (NSA) for their oldest document on record. Nothing specific – just whatever the oldest document was.  This request was filed in November of 2013. This is what I asked for: I respectfully request a copy of the oldest document, report, or letter, chronologically, that your agency currently archives. After some wait, they wanted me to clarify what I was looking…

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Technology and Intelligence Gathering contains various files from the FBI and various agencies on intelligence gathering methods and technology. Federal Bureau of Investigation Files  Confidence Microphones (FBI Release) – [ 126 Pages, 7.00MB ]   Confidence Microphones (Air Force Release) – [ 2 Pages, 0.5MB ]   Digital Evidence Policy Guide – [ 60 Pages, 30.25MB ] – The FBI’s 1/3/2014 “Digital Evidence Policy Implementation Guide” was created to establish and consolidate FBI policy and procedures with regards to the proper handling, reviewing and processing of digital evidence collected in the course of FBI investigations. Redactions were made to protect personal privacy and law enforcement techniques.  Handwriting Analysis – [ 27 Pages, 1.58MB ] -…

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This document was declassified by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and was originally published about 10 months after the 9/11 attacks.  The document describes the report as the following: This Intelligence Community Assessment responds to requests from the Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense Organisation of the Department of Defense and the Transportation Security Administration of the Department of Transportation. This Assessment examines both terrorist and state threats to facilities and people in the US homeland using most types of air, vehicle and associated weapons, including land attack cruise missiles. This assessment does not cover ballistic missile threats. We define the…

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Background Operation Mongoose, officially known as the Cuba Project, was a covert operation launched by the United States government in 1961 with the primary objective of overthrowing Fidel Castro’s communist regime in Cuba. Initiated under President John F. Kennedy and spearheaded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it represented a heightened phase of the U.S.’s Cold War strategy against communism in the Western Hemisphere. The operation was a response to the failed Bay of Pigs invasion and the increasing Soviet influence in Cuba, which was perceived as a significant threat to U.S. national security, especially after the discovery of Soviet…

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Background A “broken arrow” is an accidental event that involves nuclear weapons or nuclear components but which does not create the risk of nuclear war, known as a Broken Arrow in United States military terminology. Below are documents obtained under the FOIA regarding Broken Arrow incidents. Declassified Documents  DoD Instruction 7730.12, “Notification Procedures for Accidents and Significant Incidents Involving Nuclear Weapons, Reactors and Radioactive Materials” [7 Pages, 1.16mb]  Summary of Navy Nuclear Weapon Accidents (1975, 1976, and 1977 Supplement) [2 Pages, 0.2MB] – This is a bizarre story, and one of the most frustrating situations since I started The Black…

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