Author: John Greenewald

Warning: The following 5 volumes are EXTREMELY large, and will require a full download to your hard drive before opening. Volume 1: Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal (62 Megs) Volume 2: Isolation of Rabaul (94 Megs) Volume 3: Central Pacific Drive (118 Megs) Volume 4: Western Pacific Operations (101 Megs) Volume 5: Victory and Operation (107 Megs)

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Volume 1: Synopsis Volume 2: Notes on German High Level Cryptography and Cryptanalysis Volume 3: The Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command, Armed Forces Volume 4: The Signal Intelligence Service of the Army High Command Volume 5: The German Air Force Signal Intelligence Service Volume 6: The Foreign Office Cryptanalytic Section Volume 7: Goering’s “Research” Bureau Volume 8: Miscellaneous Volume 9: German Traffic Analysis of Russian Communications

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The following documents are currently not categorized in their proper sub-category.  Until then, they will be indexed here. 1st Air Commando Group; Any Place, Any Time, Any Where [78 Pages] The 9th AustralianDivision Versusthe Africa Corps: An Infantry DivisionAgainst Tanks-Tobruk, Libya, 1941 [82 Pages] Air-Ground Teamwork on the Western Front [56 Pages] Air Power Versus U-Boats: Confronting Hitler’s Submarine Menace in the European Theater [26 Pages] Airborne Assault on Holland [56 Pages] Airlift and airborne operations in World War II [55 Pages] The Amphibians Came to Conquer Volume I [626 Pages] – The development of amphibious doctrine, tactics, and techniques…

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This sections archived documents pertaining to the World War I era. American Armies & Battlefields in Europe [586 Pages] Battlefields of the World War [682 Pages] Infantry in Battle [430 Pages] – Small-unit tactics and a perspective on infantry in combat using World War I battle studies Small Wars Manual [569 Pages] – Summary of operational experience by the Marine Corps in peacekeeping and counterinsurgency operations published before World War II Topography & Strategy in the War [260 Pages] – The importance of the effects of terrain on military operations despite technology

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The following is a list of documents that are currently uncategorized.  Until they are put into their proper categories, they will remain indexed here. Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50 Field Manual [244 Pages] Can the U.S. Air Force Weaponize Space? [46 Pages] Deep Attack Weapons Mix Study (DAWMS) [30 Pages] Environmental Assessment of the BMDO Cooperative-Engagement-Capability/PATRIOT Interoperability Test [88 Pages] High Energy Laser Weapons Systems Applications [232 Pages] Improving Fuel Efficiency of Weapon Platforms [130 Pages] Investigations of Pulsed-Train Plasmoid Weapons [52 Pages] Laser Technology (Selected Articles) [49 Pages] Small-Caliber Ammunition ID Guide Volume 1 – Small Arms Cartridges up to…

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