Author: John Greenewald

The following documents have been archived at The Black Vault for research purposes. Thanks to the work of A.J. Gevaerd, Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine, and the efforts of the Brazilian UFO Researchers Committee, these documents have been released and archived from the Brazilian Government. You will find below the documents released from Brazil. Please contact me at [email protected] if there are any translations done of the material, and I will also post it here. Here is a note from A.J. regarding the most recent release: “As of May 4th, 2009, [the] Brazilian Government has disclosed over 600 new pages of previously classified…

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Gary McKinnon is accused by the United States of perpetrating one of the “biggest military computer hacks of all time.” Following legal hearings in the UK it was decided in July 2006 that he should be extradited to the United States. In February 2007 his lawyers argued against ruling in an appeal to the High Court in London, which was turned down in April. He still has the possibility of appealing to the House of Lords using the argument that because the alleged offences were committed in the UK this is where he should be tried. The prison sentence the…

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Background Project MOON DUST was an operation to recover objects and debris from space vehicles that had survived re-entry from space to earth.  However, there have been many rumors about the project which connected it to the UFO phenomenon. Document Archive Project Moon Dust Files [22 Pages] – Released from the Department of State Project Moon Dust Files [2 Pages] – Also released from the Department of State, declassified by the CIA. Project Moon Dust Files [4 Pages, 1MB]

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The following documents have been obtained from various Presidential Libraries throughout the country.  They are archived here for reference. Gerald Ford Library A special thanks to friend and colleague Nick Roesler for this collection, you will find all UFO documents from the Gerald Ford Presidential Library. Gerald Ford UFO Documents [168 Pages, 6.29mb] Jimmy Carter Library – UFO Sighting and Letters Early in my television career, I produced (associate producer) a one-hour documentary for The History Channel, entitled “UFOs and the White House.” Below, you will find some of the documents that I came up with in the research…

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Background In central Montana, Thursday morning March 16, 1967, the E-Flight Missile Combat Crew was below ground in the Echo-Flight Launch Control Center (LCC) or capsule. During the early morning hours, more than one report came in from security patrols and maintenance crews that they had seen UFOs. A UFO was reported directly above one of the E-Flight Launch Facilities (LF) or silos. It turned out that at least one security policeman was so frightened by this encounter that he never again returned to security duty. A short time later, the Deputy Crew Commander (DMCCC), a 1st Lieutenant, was briefing…

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