Author: John Greenewald

** This is a flash release. A flash release is a document release wherein there is no written article attached, but rather, the documents are released for the public to consume right away with the interest of full transparency in the quickest way possible. A more lengthy article, and/or video breakdown, may follow. Make sure you are subscribed (documents are below): NASA Press Release Issued September 14, 2023 (Report below) In response to a recommendation by an independent study team for NASA to play a more prominent role in understanding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), the agency announced Thursday it is appointing…

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Luis Elizondo has become a central figure in the modern discourse surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) due to his alleged involvement with the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). His revelations and subsequent claims have been both groundbreaking and controversial, fueling numerous debates regarding the U.S. government’s engagement with UAPs. In an unprecedented revelation, The Black Vault was the first to report that the Department of Defense (DoD) had destroyed Elizondo’s emails, a move that surprised many and intensified the scrutiny surrounding the government’s handling of this sensitive subject. It also hindered efforts to verify many of Elizondo’s claims,…

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The Department of Defense (DoD) contracted Sancorp to provide support services to the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). The key tasks outlined in the Performance Work Statement (PWS) included establishing and maintaining administrative, security, policy, analytic, and operational support necessary for AARO’s functions. Specific services required included executive administrative support, strategy, plans, and policy support, congressional and public affairs, and FOIA support, data architecture support, planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE) support, reporting support, and operations support. The contract also emphasized the importance of developing quality control and quality assurance programs to ensure high standards of service delivery. The contractor…

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Background Agencies periodically conduct their own special investigations and produce reports about certain allegations against their respective departments. For example, the CIA Inspector General produced a report regarding the allegations of the connection between the CIA and drug trafficking.  Each agency will do the same types of investigations. Below, you will find reports and indexes that are relevant.  I decided to compile them here in one archive, as it is interesting to show a complete set of allegations/investigations. Declassified Documents Air Force Air Force Office of the Inspector General Closed Investigations, 2017-2020 [5 Pages, 2.3MB] AMTRAK  AMTRAK/OIG Closed Investigations, 2016 [5 Pages,…

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The CJCSI (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction) 3121.01B refers to the “Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE)/Standing Rules for the Use of Force (SRUF) for U.S. Forces.” These are the guidelines and rules that dictate how and when U.S. military forces can engage in combat or use force, both in peace and during conflicts. The document is aimed at ensuring that all U.S. forces operate under a consistent set of rules, no matter where they are located or what mission they are conducting. It provides commanders with direction on the self-defense and the defense of others, the use…

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