Author: John Greenewald

Background Intellipedia is an online system for collaborative data sharing used by the United States Intelligence Community (IC).  It was established as a pilot project in late 2005 and formally announced in April 2006 and consists of three wikis running on JWICS, SIPRNet, and Intelink-U. The levels of classification allowed for information on the three wikis are Top Secret, Secret, and Sensitive But Unclassified/FOUO information, respectively. They are used by individuals with appropriate clearances from the 16 agencies of the IC and other national-security related organizations, including Combatant Commands and other federal departments. The wikis are not open to the…

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Background The collision between the USS Baton Rouge and a Russian Sierra Class submarine K-276 Crab (later named the B-276 Kostroma) occurred on February 11, 1992, in the Barents Sea, near the Russian naval base of Murmansk. The USS Baton Rouge was a Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered attack submarine of the United States Navy, while the Russian vessel was a Sierra I-class nuclear-powered submarine. The incident happened during a period of increased tension following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in late 1991. Both vessels suffered minor damages but there were no casualties on either side. The United States claimed that…

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Note: This page can change and morph as documents are released. It is not considered a “final” published article. It is a page for archival reference. The article was originally published April 2022, and updated numerous times thereafter. The Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) is connected to the rumored “Pentagon UFO Study” known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). That exact connection and relationship is still unknown, as there are varying explanations depending on the party involved. This page aims to archive all documents on this program, as released by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).…

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There exists an urgent need to define and initiate a coordinated Air Force Space Systems Program. The following pages outline in broad terms a space program based on established Air Force General Operational Requirements plus other requirements which appear to be necessary to complete and integrate the over-all program. This planning guide, which we call SPADE for Space Development, has the following objectives: To delineate Air Force space requirements To define the systems under development or being considered to meet these requirements and To promote the recognition and advancement of the technology needed to achieve the systems. This initial report,…

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The Cold War era was marked by a race between the United States and the Soviet Union to assert dominance in various fields, including space exploration. Amid the numerous secret programs developed during this time, one of the lesser-known initiatives was the SR-183 Lunar Observatory program. Although much of the details remain classified, it is understood that this ambitious program aimed to place an observatory on the Moon for scientific and potentially strategic purposes. The Program’s Objectives The primary objective of the SR-183 program was scientific observation. The lunar observatory was intended to monitor celestial bodies, study the cosmic phenomena,…

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