Author: John Greenewald

(Published in 2012) – Established on Nov. 4, 1952, this year the National Security Agency celebrates 60 years of service to the nation. In issuing the directive that gave birth to the agency, then-President Harry Truman understood the need to continue U.S. efforts that had led to breaking German and Japanese codes in World War II, success against the German U-Boat threat in the North Atlantic, and victory in the Battle of Midway in the Pacific. America had become a dominant power on a global stage, facing global responsibilities and threats. As war raged in Korea, the creation of NSA…

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In September of 2013, news surfaced that the National Security Agency (NSA) entered a one year contract with the French security firm VUPEN, for a one-year subscription to the company’s “binary analysis and exploits service”. According to their website: “VUPEN is the leading provider of defensive and offensive cyber security intelligence and advanced vulnerability research. While other companies in the vulnerability intelligence industry mainly act as brokers who buy vulnerabilities from third-party researchers and then sell them to their customers, all VUPEN’s vulnerability intelligence results exclusively from our internal and in-house research efforts conducted by our team of world-class researchers.” With…

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The following is a list of documents that have not yet been categorized into the other categories.  Until they are, they are listed here. Air Crash in Up-State New York [6 Pages] The Booklet: Intelligence – The Acme of Skill [32 Pages] Democratic Influence Through Internet Usage in the Peoples Republic of China [49 Pages, 4.75mb] The Defense of Duffer’s Drift [78 Pages] – Fictional account of a young British officer’s misadventures during the Boer War Department of Energy Super Computer [311 Pages] Developments in Military Infrared and Laser Technology [12 Pages] DoD Supercomputing Needs [24 Pages] Hale-Bopp Comet [10…

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Background According to the Orange County Register: “Thousands of people across Orange County felt windows and doors rattle at about 9:15 p.m. on March 3rd. But the source of the shaking hasn’t been identified. The Navy says it didn’t have fighter jets flying near Orange County at the time. And the event apparently was not caused by night exercises at Pendleton, or an earthquake. Today’s event was very similar. Oscar Guzman of Tustin says, “My roommate and I were home watching TV when we heard the door shaking, then we realized all the windows were shaking. We immediately went outside…

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Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects In July of 2013, internet rumors began circulating about a DARPA research project aimed at controlling the human mind. In an article published by “Activist Post,” it was stated: Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project At Major University What if the government could change people’s moral beliefs or stop political dissent through remote control of people’s brains? Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to accomplishing this. Activist Post was recently contacted by…

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