Author: John Greenewald

Every federal agency has a records retention schedule which stipulates how long certain records are kept by the agency.  These are useful to know how long records are kept, and what may, or may not, be available. Below you will find the relevant records obtained from the agencies for reference purposes. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Records Retention Schedule [198 Pages, 1mb] Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) File Number 66-HQ-3286 – Destruction of Bureau Records 1944-1996 [7,426 Pages, 459MB] (Source: National Reconnaissance Office Records Control Manual (1995) [202 Pages, 20.57mb] National Reconnaissance Office Review and Redaction Guide for Automatic Declassification…

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For fun, I thought it would be interesting to see if, at all, the United States Government or Military references or uses The Black Vault.  I was pleasantly surprised to find quite a few documents referencing The Black Vault, the archive, and documentation within!  I feel that is a huge compliment to my endeavors, and appreciate whole-heartedly the credited references in the following material: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents referencing The Black Vault [2 Pages, 650kb] – CIA will neither confirm nor deny documents exist — due to the fact that if they did – they would be classified.…

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Background Check out this historical 1896 Manual for Army Cooks.  Learn how the Army made their food back in the 1800’s and check out their cooking procedures for Beef, chicken, fish and so much more. Document Archive  Manual for Army Cooks [ 306 Pages, 5.0MB ]

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The following is a list of different Army field manuals released to the public. FM-1 The Army, June 2005 [49 Pages, 8.10MB] Air Defense Artillery Brigade Operations (FM 3-01.7) [248 Pages] Air Defense Artillery Reference Handbook (FM 3-01.11) [138 Pages, 2.55MB] Army Operations (FM 3-0) [313 Pages] Attack Helicopter Operations (FM 1-112) [351 Pages] Battlefield Recovery and Evacuation of Aircraft (FM 3-04.513), July 2008 [92 Pages, 3.21MB] Chemical and Biological Contamination Avoidance (FM 3-3) [145 Pages, 3.0MB] Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain (FM 3-06.11), June 2011 [284 Pages, 24.38MB] Military Police Leaders’ Handbook, 2 August 2002 [641 Pages 10.03MB] Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Decontamination (FM…

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The Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) is an open source intelligence component of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Science and Technology. It monitors, translates, and disseminates within the U.S. government openly available news and information from media sources outside the United States. Its headquarters is in Reston, Virginia, and it maintains 19 overseas monitoring stations worldwide. In November 2005, it was announced that FBIS would become part of the newly-formed Open Source Center, tasked with the collection and analysis of freely-available intelligence.  Below are documents related to the FBIS. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) History, Part 1: 1941-1947 [311…

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