Author: John Greenewald

Background The Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC) is a United States government facility on Raven Rock, a mountain in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. It is located about 14 km (8.7 miles) east of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, and 10 km (6.2 miles) north-northeast of Camp David, Maryland. It is also called the Raven Rock Military Complex, or simply Site R. Other designations and nicknames include “The Rock”, NMCC-R (National Military Command Center Reservation), ANMCC (Alternate National Military Command Center), AJCC (Alternate Joint Communications Center), “Backup Pentagon”, or “Site RT”; the latter refers to the vast array of communication towers and equipment…

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The following are documents pertaining to warfare intelligence from different conflicts. Advanced Base Operations in Micronesia [102 Pages] – Major E.H. Ellis perceptions on the coming war with Japan and where and how it might be fought, includes biography on Major Ellis Classification of Secrecy Has Been Removed: Losses Suffered by USSR Armed Forces in Wars, Combat Operations, and Military Conflicts [350 pages, 32.2MB] Combat Support in Korea [270 Pages] Evaluation of the Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces of the United States [277 Pages, 28.9MB] Infantry Operations and Weapons Usage In Korea Winter of 1950-51 [166…

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US Intelligence Report: Iran with Capability to Strike US by 2014 (Originally written June 2010) By John Greenewald, Jr. A recently discovered US Intelligence Report from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has a striking revelation – Iran may have the capability to attack the United States by 2014 with an ICBM missile.  This report is released amidst allegations that Iran’s nuclear program is progressing to the point of nuclear weapon capabilities. The document, labeled a Military Intelligence Digest with a SECRET security marking, states that, “An ICBM with a Non-Rotating Earth (NRE) range of 10,000 kilometers would provide the Iranians…

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The objective of the Jeremiah Panel review was to define the NRO of the Twenty-first Century. The NRO is a unique institution, critical to our national security. The NRO of the Twenty-first Century should continue to serve the country in the same capacity using the results of our study to clarify its mission and continue the improvement of its overall institutional performance. The Jeremiah Panel Executive Overview Briefing Disc 1 [ HIGH RESOLUTION MPEG-1 (1.9GB, DVD-QUALITY) | Lower Resolution MPEG-4 (417MB, WEB QUALITY) The Jeremiah Panel Executive Overview Briefing Disc 2 [ HIGH RESOLUTION MPEG-1 (1.6GB File, DVD-QUALITY) | Lower Resolution MPEG-4…

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