Author: John Greenewald

Originally published in 2009 By John Greenewald, Jr. “We have been exploring the fabric of America, telling the story of her citizens by visiting the workplace… While in the Huntsville, [Alabama] area, we would be honored to film with the Alabama National Guard.  You are a strong and proud organization that carries out your challenging duties with bravery and class.” Sounds like a legitimate request to chronicle the actions of the Alabama National Guard.  But little did they know; the true men in uniform were about to get entangled in one of the most feared events for anyone… a visit…

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In mid-2009, the NEA came under controversy again when it was revealed that then-Communications Director Yosi Sergant had participated in an August 21, 2009 conference call that allegedly directed artists to create works of art promoting President Barack Obama’s domestic agenda. “I would encourage you to pick something, whether it’s health care, education, the environment, you know, there’s four key areas that the corporation has identified as the areas of service,” Sergant said on the call, making reference to the four areas of focus earlier outlined by Nell Abernathy, Director of Outreach for United We Serve. Suggested areas of focus…

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In June of 2014, Region 8 of the EPA in Denver, Colorado, was forced to write a memorandum to their employees regarding their bathroom behavior and etiquette.  Most noteably, the email to all employees specifically mentioned to stop defecating in the hallways. Wait… WHAT? Although you might expect this at a public junior high school, this actually did happen. I filed a FOIA request for documents relating to this… and the below is what I came up with:  Howard Cantor E-Mail to all employees, dated February 18, 2014 [ 1 Pages, 0.11kb ]  Emails Regarding Howard Cantor’s Email by employees and contractors […

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On 7/25/2014, the following was announced by the United States NAVY: Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced today that Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Pacific awarded a contract to Pacific Energy Solutions LLC, for the procurement of electricity produced from renewable energy generation systems. Pacific Energy Solutions, based out of Boca Raton, Florida, will design, construct, own, operate and maintain various solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems that will provide renewable electricity to Navy and Marine Corps bases on Oahu, Hawaii. The total amount of power generated is anticipated to be about 17 megawatts of alternating current that…

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Background Noah’s Ark is the vessel in the Genesis flood narrative (Genesis chapters 6–9) by which God saves Noah, his family, and a remnant of all the world’s animals from the flood. God gives Noah detailed instructions for building the ark: it is to be of gopher wood, smeared inside and out with pitch, with three decks and internal compartments; it will be 300 cubits long (137.16 m, 450 ft), 50 wide (22.86 m, 75 ft), and 30 high (13.716 m, 45 ft); it will have a roof “finished to a cubit upward”; and an entrance on the side. The…

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