Author: John Greenewald

In 2008, the Center for Public Integrity, wrote the following: An eye-opening series of reports in fall 2008 by the Department of the Interior’s inspector general disclosed a stunning level of corruption at the Minerals Management Service (MMS), and a coziness with industry officials that included a “culture of substance abuse and promiscuity” at the agency. MMS is responsible for collecting royalties from companies for the right to produce oil and gas from federally controlled land and water; in 2007, MMS collected more than $9 billion in oil and gas royalties, making it one of the largest sources of income…

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It’s embarassing to even write this, but it’s true. On November 6, 2014, the Washington Times published the following: “The U.S. Army has given its stamp of approval to the use of the term “Negro” when referring to blacks or African-Americans, a newly published regulation states. The military confirmed the use of the term in its Oct. 22 version of the “Army Command Policy,” or AR 600-20…” I couldn’t even believe this was still “on the books” so to speak.  Shortly after the spotlight went on the U.S. Army for the term, they promptly changed it. I filed an FOIA request…

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Since 1987, Nancy Pelosi has represented California’s 8th District in the House of Representatives. The 8th District includes most of the City of San Francisco including Golden Gate Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, Chinatown, and many of the diverse neighborhoods that make San Francisco a vibrant and prosperous community. As the Democratic Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives for the 112th Congress, Pelosi is focused on strengthening America’s middle class and creating jobs. From 2007-2010, Pelosi served as Speaker of the House, having been elected as the first woman in American history to serve as Speaker. She first made history in…

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Elected in November of 2008, Barack Obama entered the White House with his first term in January of 2009. The following documents chronicle the years prior to his Presidency, and his communications with different agencies. Department of Defense (DOD) Correspondence between the Department of Defense sent to Senator Barack Obama in 2005-2008 [49 Pages, 17.28mb] Correspondence between Senator Barack Obama sent to the Department of Defense 2005-2008 [68 Pages, 26.3mb] Department of Energy (DOE) Correspondence between Senator Obama and the Department of Energy in 2008 [40 Pages, 5.54mb] National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Correspondence between Senator…

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Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr.s the 47th and current Vice President of the United States, jointly elected with President Barack Obama. He is a member of the Democratic Party and was a United States Senator from Delaware from January 3, 1973 until his resignation on January 15, 2009, following his election to the Vice Presidency. Department of Defense (DOD) Correspondence between the Department of Defense sent to Senator Joseph Biden [49 Pages, 17.28mb] Correspondence between Senator Joseph Biden sent to the Department of Defense [68 Pages, 26.3mb]

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